meanderings in my head about positive and negative

by rays_occult

20 years, 2 months ago

I was thinkin' the other day (as I do) and pottering around on my hobby of writing the third Ghostbusters script (c'mon, we all have a few doodlings on that). I was reading the synopsis about the world having two angles to it- the positive and negative etc you know it all. And I got to thinking about the first and second film, and how they were kind of postive and negative themselves:

Ghostbusters one is ‘negative’ as it centers around a spirit (Gozer) who was interested (understatement) in destroying the world. Destruction= negative. Also she was worshipped by a group who thought society was too sick to survive, which is a pretty negative viewpoint, even in the twenties!

Ghostbusters II on the other hand is quite positive, because it centers around a spirit interested in creating a world, or at least taking one that exists and making it ‘better’ (his).

Even the colors of the film seem to bear the theory: GBI hasa grey/green slime theme, GBII has a pink/red slime theme. Red is a postive color, green is a negative one.

film one: energy gathered (via Shandor buiulding being an antennae) to give spirit power of regeneration for destructive purposes

film two: energy gathered (via mood slime) to give spirit power of regeneration for constructive (in his own specail way) purposes.

This would mean that there would have to be some kind of demon appearing in the third film responsible for turning New York into Hell. All I've read is what Spookcentral's got)

The first films negative combines with the second films positive to create the double edged transformation energy(Heaven and Hell in Theological reasoning) of the third film, who's plot centres around how people see things from a positive or negative POV.
Which got me thinking about how the guys see things, and how Ray has a postive attitude/persona and Peter has a negative one. Winston and Egon are neutral- Egon in a passive/detached way, Winston in a active/involved way, which could be seen as negative and postive respectively. Thinking along thes lines, it'd be interesting to have the transformed New York look totally different from Ray and Peter's viewpoint- it would make it hard for them to all see the same thing and thus deal with it. It also fits in well with Ray and Egon's theories about people's energy effecting their environment (already explored to an extent in the second film).
This all fits together in a really interesting way in my brain. Any ideas, or am I just thinking wayyy too much? (*ray)

by wesyeed1

20 years, 2 months ago

Yeah. But I see what your saying from a common perspective that positivity and negativity correlated to the happenings, themes, and characters of the first two films… I think.

although the words Positive and negative can be viewed in several ways, different connotations etc. Your views can be validated, like in the scientific field where it can mean polar opposites like what you have pointed out with the characters of Ray and Peter, though both are optimists, peter's optimism is more flippant or sarcastic, kinda mocking ray's true optimism.

I like the idea about pluses and minuses. The negative after effect of gozer's takeover would have been,well… no more earth. The positive effect of Vigo's takeover would be now there's a mythical ancient sorceror guy ruling the world. So Gozer takes away and Vigo adds. Thats interesting.

well in my stupid idea for gb3, it would involve something like what Vigo had in store, complete domination, but witha side of Gozer, complete destruction…. then complete domination. And it works all around because it involves the gray area between heaven and hell, sorta the middle part of the color spectrum: that blue dot we live on: earth. In my story, the GB are brought back to life a thousand years into the future where they have to put a stop to hell's domination of earth. Since the gbs are teh positive addition to a world overrun by ghosts, they help balance out the negative effect that ghosts are having on the future. Then at the end they return to the grave, having restarted the gb franchise so the future can be safe once and for all, a positive ending.

Yup, wrote way too much. Sorry for rambling.