Media Twister

by Dr.D

15 years, 8 months ago

This news about Weaver not being in the film was the last straw for me. I can't believe how crazy the media has gotten about a film that has yet to go green. First off, Dan said that he would like to see a female ghostbuster, so did Bill. Why is it then the media tries to make it seem like the new team is going to be all women. Secondly, how come everyone is taking Dan's word as gospel. I respect the hell out of the man and can say from meeting him is person, he is a really nice guy, but HE ISN'T WRITING THE SCRIPT! He is merely stating what he wants to see. Why is it that whenever he opens his mouth, the press takes notes like college kids during finals? No one listened to Dan for the last 15+ years of wanting a GBIII. I'm posting to make sure this is not just me thinking this. Anyone agree?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Its really quite simple…

Its the media. They take any quote from anyone about anything and spin it however they need to to get more traffic, hits, etc.

You just need to be able to decipher for yourself what is true and what's not.