I met Ernie Hudson today at the Toronto Comic Con and can say with complete confidence that he is the nicest man on the planet.
All the celebs were charging around $20-25 for an autograph pic and an additional $20-25 for a picture. Ernie on the other hand, took his time to come around from behind the booth to take pictures and only charged “what we think is fair” in his exact words to me.
There was a family with about 5 kids ahead of me and he made sure each kid got a picture and didnt charge them a penny. A few of the WWF Wrestlers there I thought were going to break my face when I tried to haggle the price, haha.
He mentioned that he comes to Toronto often and loves the city. He said he used to come often when him and his wife lived in Detroit, and more recently he stops by regularly because his son lives in Toronto.
Overall, the best interaction of the show was with Ernie. My brother, who is more a wrestling fan than Ghostbusters also agreed that Ernie was his favorite.
Here are the pics….