Merry Christmas!

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

Merry Christmas everyone, hope you guys have a great time and remember to stay safe.

Maybe see you on Boxing Day, or December 27th.

by Chad

17 years, 2 months ago

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! 2008 is going to be such a great year, let's enjoy the peace and relaxation this year, while it still exists. :-)

by DocFritz

17 years, 2 months ago

Wishing you and yours the best this Holiday. That's whether you celebrate Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanza, the Saturnalia, Life Day, or whatever.

by BigMac

17 years, 2 months ago

Thanks, I feel blessed

by pantshater24

17 years, 2 months ago

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a slimed night :-)

by missygirl8520001

17 years, 2 months ago

Merry Christmas, Everyone! And all have a good night! (*ray) (^_^)

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 2 months ago

Enjoy your Festivus… now where's that damn pole?

by lordvego1

17 years, 2 months ago

Happy whateveryoucelebrate day!

by imported_Ghoulishfright

17 years, 2 months ago

Happy Jesus' Birthday Everybody!

- P.S. -
…………If you haven't watched the RGB episode “X-Mas Marks the Spot” yet this holiday season, I suggest you do so. I watched it for the first time in a long time, and at about 11min. into it, these two guys get into a hilariously silly argument that basically goes like this:

“Ba-Humbug to you!”
"No, Ba-Humbug to you!“
”Hey Pinhead, Ba-Humbug!"

….Well, I was cracking up anyway. Gotta love those weird, random RGB moments… Merry Christmas!

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 2 months ago

Merry Christmas, all.

Would've posted sooner, but I had to work Christmas eve and day!