Message from GBI

by LouisTully

23 years, 4 months ago

Dear Franchisees,

Let me welcome you to this special new forum especially for you industrious Ghostbusters International franchise owners. It was created at my request by my good friend Chad Paulson as a place for GB employees to share busting tips and tricks, get franchise advice, ask questions, etc.

I expect in the next few years we'll see an upswing in the Ghostbusting field. We've already seen a renewed interest in GBI since we allowed Hot Topic to sell GBI related merchandise. So if business in your area is slow, hang in there…and don't forget to capitalize on the Halloween season!

Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments about our investment services, stock options, tax shelters, bahamian vacations, expense accounts, or other matters. Our e-mail address is:

Late payments to your franchise accounts will be brought to your attention promptly.


23 years, 4 months ago

Are you for real? Payments? Okay i'm changing my name to Middle Georgia Spook catchers!

by Dr.Mays

23 years, 4 months ago

We had considered changing our franchise name as well at one point in the past, but the franchise agreement allows us to use not just the name- but the gear and the logo as well, so why reinvent the wheel?

ghostbusters is a well established franchise with great brand recognition and excellent tech support. When it comes to equipment needs and entrapment advice the home office has always been a great support to our franchise.

I encourage you to remain in the franchise family, even if some of the fees seem a little high. We have a hard time paying them ourselves sometimes

by DanElektro

23 years, 4 months ago

I'm with Mays…I think we all remember those knock-off “Ectoliminate” upstart chain from a few years back…anybody still holding THAT worthless stock? wink

by BoHolbrook

23 years, 4 months ago

Ah Hah,
Speaking of things granted to franchises do any of the rest of you have your own Theme Songs? Have you considered the prospect of having your own theme song?

Well Nightsquad has, And we have our own theme song. The Song is “Night People” By Dio.

I suggest you all have your own theme songs too.

by DanElektro

23 years, 4 months ago

Hadn't thought of it yet…other than just borrowing the Attaboy Skip version of the theme, I guess perhaps I would want to try to write one.

by Dr.Roberts

23 years, 3 months ago

“Ectoliminate”! Didn't they get sued out of business by GBI circa 1996? smile

by DanElektro

23 years, 3 months ago

That's the one, Doc. I knew you'd remember. smile

by cmgbpk

23 years, 2 months ago

i was thinking about making my own remix of the movie song but i will ask permission from Louis Tully before i begin to work on it and if anyone would like to get in on my remix's please let me know the only thing i ask is that there be a credit on your Franchise web site with my email and name saying that i am the maker of the remix and a link to the Central Maryland Ghostbusters on the page with it