Okay….let's see. I'll answer “spectre's” question first. There are going to be at least 8 ghostbusters (not including the OGBs, who are playable “super characters” later on), and that doesn't include the couple of non-GB characters. 2 of them use “real magic,” because they can actually tap into PKE, similar to, but not as well as ghosts. ALL CHARACTERS have “special abilities” or magic, but except for the 2 “psychic” GBs, all of those “spells” are really GB inventions, and ghost-catching gear.
PKE METER:Reads a ghosts ectopresence (HP), and shows weaknesses.
GHOST TRAP: Instantly “kills” ghosts.
PHASER SHOT: A blast of “proton elemental” damage.
ION ACCELERATOR: Raises attack power for a short time
PYROKINESIS: A magic spell that deals fire damage.
FIRST AID: Heals HP damage to an ally.
So, as you can see…I DO have what you're looking for. It's just that 2 GBs have a more direct connection to the spirit world.