Message to Chad about a possible site addition...

by VincentBelmont

23 years ago

Hi Chad!
I've been working a bit on a Ghostbusters RPG done in the gameplay style of Final Fantasy.
When it's done, I'd really like to make it available on your site to everyone. Do you have any objections to something like that? How do you handle this sort of thing?

by Chad

23 years ago

I'd love to hear more about it. An RPG is something that would be a great addition to the site. I'd like to work with you in order to intigrate it into the site. That is, if the RPG is what I think it is.

by Ectoman

23 years ago

I don't think he wants to add a “Rocket-Propelled Grenade” section to the site.. smile

I'm sure he means “Role Playing Game” as in the ones West End Games had made…

by NetSolo

23 years ago

Hehe, Ectoman: somebody's seen Black Hawk Down one too many times wink

by VincentBelmont

23 years ago

I can do what ectoman was talking about as well, but what I was referring to was a computer game.
I don't believe that “rocket powered grenades” is what I had in mind. Think of Final Fantasy IV (2 US). Instead of swords, staves, and summon spells…..replace the stuff with proton packs (and various “Particle enhancers”), ghost traps, a couple of projectile guns for those “Manifested” spooks, and the like.
Only one or two characters can use “magic.”

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 12 months ago

Now that I read Ectoman's post again….I finally get the joke…..jeez, Belmont, yer gettin' slow!

I will also be working with “awhitefire” to make a conversion for a tabletop GB RPG out of “Call of Cthulhu, D20,” which is being released in March. I'll keep everyone posted.

by Mario

22 years, 12 months ago

I'm willing to see an RPG of anything right now. I havent played one in over a year.

by Specter

22 years, 12 months ago

Sounds intriguing. What are you making it with? And why would two of the Ghostbusters use “Magic” ?? couldn't you make it into some kind of invention of Egon's?

by Mario

22 years, 12 months ago

What monsters do you plan to add without giving away the plot?

by VincentBelmont

22 years, 12 months ago

Okay….let's see. I'll answer “spectre's” question first. There are going to be at least 8 ghostbusters (not including the OGBs, who are playable “super characters” later on), and that doesn't include the couple of non-GB characters. 2 of them use “real magic,” because they can actually tap into PKE, similar to, but not as well as ghosts. ALL CHARACTERS have “special abilities” or magic, but except for the 2 “psychic” GBs, all of those “spells” are really GB inventions, and ghost-catching gear.


PKE METER:Reads a ghosts ectopresence (HP), and shows weaknesses.

GHOST TRAP: Instantly “kills” ghosts.

PHASER SHOT: A blast of “proton elemental” damage.

ION ACCELERATOR: Raises attack power for a short time

PYROKINESIS: A magic spell that deals fire damage.

FIRST AID: Heals HP damage to an ally.

So, as you can see…I DO have what you're looking for. It's just that 2 GBs have a more direct connection to the spirit world.