Well, listen, if all you guys wanna (…) treat new people like shit, just because they're new, go right ahead
It never happened in my souvenirs and I don't think it will happens in the futur.
But, with this game announcement, there is going to be a lot more interest back in the Ghostbusters,
We're always interested in Ghostbusters. Even me who wonders why I still have that proton pack…
We're always interested… Specialy with that game coming!
If a movie is goin to be made, it's about time!

if you want to alienate and discourage new fans from trying to participate in the fanbase, just because you people have been around longer…
No no no, you got everything wrong under what you think you have read.
We had a lot of people who said the same speach, you see. It's normal to be reluctant in front of your news. That's all.
I know you're not happy because you didn't receive the reaction that you were hoping, but it's not a reason to fall in childish matters. Calling us names won't give you a good image and it will push away all the fun that you could find in this forum.