Met one of the actors? How NOT to act here...

by newrecruit1

17 years, 2 months ago

Well, listen, if all you guys wanna (…) treat new people like shit, just because they're new, go right ahead

It never happened in my souvenirs and I don't think it will happens in the futur.

But, with this game announcement, there is going to be a lot more interest back in the Ghostbusters,

We're always interested in Ghostbusters. Even me who wonders why I still have that proton pack…

We're always interested… Specialy with that game coming!

If a movie is goin to be made, it's about time!

if you want to alienate and discourage new fans from trying to participate in the fanbase, just because you people have been around longer…

No no no, you got everything wrong under what you think you have read.
We had a lot of people who said the same speach, you see. It's normal to be reluctant in front of your news. That's all.

I know you're not happy because you didn't receive the reaction that you were hoping, but it's not a reason to fall in childish matters. Calling us names won't give you a good image and it will push away all the fun that you could find in this forum.

by positroncollider1

17 years, 2 months ago

Well, I posted my first message as polite as possible. I let everyone know that it was my first post, and that I wasn't sure if it was old news or not, I just thought I'd share something with people who might find it interesting. But what did I get in return? Cracks about spelling mistakes from smug assholes. And no, I did not know how common comments like mine were, because… wait for it….. I'M NEW HERE! I am straight up telling you, that if you don't show a little more patience with new members, the fan base will never grow.

by pantshater24

17 years, 2 months ago

dude, if you really did talk to him and there is indeed a 3rd movie coming and it is true, why are you making such a fuss about it? you're just making it seem like you are lying the more you go on about how you are telling the truth. like i said, we've heard this song and dance before so of course we are going to take it with a grain of salt. you're being the immature one calling us names and such.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 2 months ago

Well, I posted my first message as polite as possible.


I let everyone know that it was my first post,

We already know it, just looking under your username.

and that I wasn't sure if it was old news or not,

Yes, it still ok.

I just thought I'd share something with people who might find it interesting.

It's realy nice of you (*peter)

But what did I get in return? Cracks about spelling mistakes (…)

:-) I'm here since 2003 and I still get that same comment :-)

Just look at my recent post (^_^)

And no, I did not know how common comments like mine were, because… wait for it….. I'M NEW HERE

That's where you making a mistake. We already gived you the information that you deserves to know. Why do you still try to look “right” when you know that you're “wrong”. Accept that, it's over, time to have a good time with us! You have everything to win!

by positroncollider1

17 years, 2 months ago

dude, if you really did talk to him and there is indeed a 3rd movie coming and it is true, why are you making such a fuss about it?

Oh yeah, after talking to one of my childhood hero's about the Ghostbusters game and movie, what was thinking coming to a Ghostbuster message board? How could I have been so silly? I should have went to the Martha Stewart message board instead…..

by newrecruit1

17 years, 2 months ago

I should have went to the Martha Stewart message board instead…..

Yeah, I bet she loves “Ghostbusters”! (^_^)

by pantshater24

17 years, 2 months ago

dude, if you really did talk to him and there is indeed a 3rd movie coming and it is true, why are you making such a fuss about it?

Oh yeah, after talking to one of my childhood hero's about the Ghostbusters game and movie, what was thinking coming to a Ghostbuster message board? How could I have been so silly? I should have went to the Martha Stewart message board instead…..

ok one more time…

what i am sying is you got to talk to Dan. fantacular. but you do not need to be defensve when we doubt the validity of your topic. you could have also looked at the multitude of topics that have already been created and see this kind of topic has been created before many, many times. did any of us actually make fun of you for it? nope. so take a day, cool off, welcome to the boards.

*Cue the “The More You Know” promo NBC used to air

by pantshater24

17 years, 2 months ago

I should have went to the Martha Stewart message board instead…..

Yeah, I bet she loves “Ghostbusters”! (^_^)

sure she does, didn't you ever see the episode where she was able to create a fully functional proton pack out of pencils, cardboard, chewing gum, and paperclips?

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 2 months ago

Again, really not trying to come off as an asshole here. But you know…it is the INTERNET, be prepared for said assholes. Also, As a general rule, when coming to ANY message board, read the stickys and use the search functions, otherwise you get into situations just like this one.

Congratulations on meeting Dan.

by misfit1

17 years, 2 months ago

Newbie, I'd just be happy I didn't post this on the GBHQ or even the nightsquad boards.

You wouldn't be sitting down for a few weeks, I can tell ya' that.