Well, I posted my first message as polite as possible. I let everyone know that it was my first post, and that I wasn't sure if it was old news or not, I just thought I'd share something with people who might find it interesting. But what did I get in return? Cracks about spelling mistakes from smug assholes. And no, I did not know how common comments like mine were, because… wait for it….. I'M NEW HERE! I am straight up telling you, that if you don't show a little more patience with new members, the fan base will never grow.
Enough with saying you're new here, we've already gotten that fact and saying it ad nauseam is not going to suddenly change something.
And again, this isn't about us not showing new members a little patience. You made our original post, to which I asked if he was referring to the new game… that wasn't any form of attack, sure a few of the comments probably seemed snide but it's the sort of questions and remarks people make to something they see as an unverified claim… I even explained again before your post calling us a bunch of assholes that we were skeptical when people made those claims as we've seen plenty of claims in the past… there may have been snide comments but you were the first person to actually insult everyone and whilst I can understand your frustration I don't think you were justified in launching into that tirade of insults.
Where did you meet him when you got to talk to him? Did he go into any detail about it while you discussed it?