Met one of the actors? How NOT to act here...

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

Well, I posted my first message as polite as possible. I let everyone know that it was my first post, and that I wasn't sure if it was old news or not, I just thought I'd share something with people who might find it interesting. But what did I get in return? Cracks about spelling mistakes from smug assholes. And no, I did not know how common comments like mine were, because… wait for it….. I'M NEW HERE! I am straight up telling you, that if you don't show a little more patience with new members, the fan base will never grow.

Enough with saying you're new here, we've already gotten that fact and saying it ad nauseam is not going to suddenly change something.

And again, this isn't about us not showing new members a little patience. You made our original post, to which I asked if he was referring to the new game… that wasn't any form of attack, sure a few of the comments probably seemed snide but it's the sort of questions and remarks people make to something they see as an unverified claim… I even explained again before your post calling us a bunch of assholes that we were skeptical when people made those claims as we've seen plenty of claims in the past… there may have been snide comments but you were the first person to actually insult everyone and whilst I can understand your frustration I don't think you were justified in launching into that tirade of insults.

Where did you meet him when you got to talk to him? Did he go into any detail about it while you discussed it?

by positroncollider1

17 years, 2 months ago

Nah, I'm done with you guys. I'll find a message board where people are little less up-tight.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

17 years, 2 months ago

“What we have here is a failure to communicate.”

For those interested, he posted more details on the sierra message board.

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 2 months ago

Well, all's well that ends.

Note: I did not forget the last word.

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

“What we have here is a failure to communicate.”

For those interested, he posted more details on the sierra message board.


Sierra Community Forums

And his post:

I met Mr. Aykroyd while he was promoting his new line of fine wines (I also got a bottle of his chardonnay autographed.) And yes GhstbstrLMLIII, I was the same person who posted on the GB message board, although since it wasn't well recieved, it will be my last post there as well. But, I can assure you that according to Mr. Aykroyd, that The Ghostbusters video game is a separate entity to Ghostbusters III, and that the movie will be entirely animated with the voices of the original cast. So, there ya have it, unless Dan was just pullin' my leg for some sort of twisted pleasure, which I can't totally rule out. But, he seems like a genuinely nice fellow, so I have no reason to doubt him. You don't have to believe me if you don't want to but, remember The Ghostbusters first tv commercials slogan: “We're Ready to Believe You!”

by newrecruit1

17 years, 2 months ago

We just lose against this guy.

I'm sure he only wanted to sound “important” with his news.
If he realy wanted to talk and share with us ghostbusters fans, he would have quit his childish behaviour to become reasonable.

by pantshater24

17 years, 2 months ago

ya well, i bet all he wanted was attention anyway and since he wasn't getting it he has to go somewhere else. good riddance.

by hutch2426

17 years, 2 months ago

I think the guy is right. Everybody ganging up on him, sure doesn't promote a friendly atmosphere for anybody that post on any website….. I believe its hard enough to make that first message… Cut some slack on the guy…. saying“ You wouldnt be able to sit down for a week”. Come on, that really sends people into a corner, and of course it ends in that person lashing back. And unfortunetly no one can ever really prove anything over the internet…. hence, we live in world where everything is a leap of faith…. Just think about letting someone have the sunshine once before smashing it in front of all that can see… Just my thoughts.

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

“ You wouldnt be able to sit down for a week”.

I don't recall something like that being said.

Regardless though, people are bound to ask questions when something like that is claimed, especially when it sounds contradictive to what we've been officially told via interviews with Dan.

I still find it a little odd that Dan would say the game is effectively Ghostbusters 3, if he were to then turn around and say a third film is coming out in the future and thus contradict all the work he's done toward the game as being an ‘official continuation of the franchise’.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

17 years, 2 months ago

Huh. I wish I coulda been here when this internet drama all started… I guess all I have to say is

Wow, I just gotta say, you guys are a bunch of assholes. Why do you make it so hard for someone new to be part of a discussion here? Sorry, your majestys for the misspelling, but I am telling you I spoke with Mr. AYKROYD yesterday, and he told me that Ghostbusters III will be a separate entity than the game, and that it will be entirely animated. If you don't want to believe me, then don't, but you don't have to be such pricks about it.

u mad?

Well, listen, if all you guys wanna treat this like some sort of Frat house, and treat new people like shit, just because they're new, go right ahead. But, with this game announcement, there is going to be a lot more interest back in the Ghostbusters, and if you want to alienate and discourage new fans from trying to participate in the fanbase, just because you people have been around longer, that's a problem with YOU not me.

u sad?
Well, I posted my first message as polite as possible. I let everyone know that it was my first post, and that I wasn't sure if it was old news or not, I just thought I'd share something with people who might find it interesting. But what did I get in return? Cracks about spelling mistakes from smug assholes. And no, I did not know how common comments like mine were, because… wait for it….. I'M NEW HERE! I am straight up telling you, that if you don't show a little more patience with new members, the fan base will never grow.

u wanna talk about it?