MGB full page article in paper this week!


22 years, 1 month ago

Hey everybody just wanted to let everyone know that the Manalapan Ghostbusters will be feeatured in a fullpage interview with pictures in a popular new jersey newspaper, the asbury Park Press.

For those in New Jersey, don't forget to pick up a copy on Thursday! For those not in New Jersey, pics will be posted. :d

by LordVego

22 years, 1 month ago

dude, i aint near asbury park thats like an hour away! GAW lol damn being up north!


22 years, 1 month ago

i'm pretty sure you could get asbury park press anywhere in new jersey. I'm not close to asbury either.

by LordVego

22 years, 1 month ago

oh….well in that case…tee hee? i will look for it smile

by Spengs

22 years ago

I know…I know, I should have looked for it when it was out. :f Does anyone, preferably those who live in NJ know if we can get a back issue of the newspaper?

Hmm I wonder if the article might on AP's site.

*edit* I tried to find it, no luck. I did come across a search engine on APP's site. Its down and looks like its been down since late last year. :0