Midwest Ghostbusters Idea

by Only_Zuul

16 years, 6 months ago

Certainly sounds like an interesting concept from the initial offset…

The idea of a gnarled old true containing a malevolent entity which is released when cut reminds me of a RGB comic story…

…and also of Fern Gully

It reminds me the 26th level of ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS, “Where the red fern growls”. :-)

Great game, I remember a comic I did years ago about this game, and at the end, the Dr. Tongue (the evil character of the game), became a ghost, and Julie an Zeke (the main characters) wore a Proton pack and busted him. :p
Would like to see very much :-)

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 6 months ago

Certainly sounds like an interesting concept from the initial offset…

The idea of a gnarled old true containing a malevolent entity which is released when cut reminds me of a RGB comic story…

…and also of Fern Gully

It reminds me the 26th level of ZOMBIES ATE MY NEIGHBORS, “Where the red fern growls”. :-)

Great game, I remember a comic I did years ago about this game, and at the end, the Dr. Tongue (the evil character of the game), became a ghost, and Julie an Zeke (the main characters) wore a Proton pack and busted him. :p
Would like to see very much :-)
I´m packing my stuff on boxes for the moving (you know, the wedding), if I find it, I´ll scan some pages.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

Hey Crimson. Wanna collaborate on this idea?

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 6 months ago

What the hell is this crap?


Fine, they get Missouri, I still get Iowa.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

Well… It's not exactly an original idea of calling the group The Midwest Ghostbusters. Plus, look at it like this. We can probably collaborate with them and have our two teams work together, if possible. And possibly feature them in our “pilot” if you want. Just a suggestion. Thats all. Btw, check your inbox Crimson.

by Bladex_2004

16 years, 6 months ago

Hey crimson can i be apart of the stories since iam from iowa as well, if not its all good lol.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 6 months ago

Hey crimson can i be apart of the stories since iam from iowa as well, if not its all good lol.

I'm not writing myself (spare some traits) in the story or anyone else for that matter, but if you want to send some ideas than fire away stud.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

16 years, 6 months ago

Well… It's not exactly an original idea of calling the group The Midwest Ghostbusters. Plus, look at it like this. We can probably collaborate with them and have our two teams work together, if possible. And possibly feature them in our “pilot” if you want. Just a suggestion. Thats all. Btw, check your inbox Crimson.

I kid of course. Midwest is a pretty general area, so I'll just go with something like Iowa Ghostbusters Dispatch Unit or something along the lines of that (although IGBDU would look good on a license plate). If this thing doesn't suck and I do another one, I have an idea that could use a team up of the two (or possibly Minnesota or Wisconsin) franchises.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

Thats true. Very true. Interesting idea for the group name. Not many fan franchises have ones like that. I think that'll help us stand out from the rest.

by Mjollnir

16 years, 5 months ago

You still active crimson?