I happened to be walking past a local TV news crew filming a report, and they asked for people to stand there in the background. I was wearing my black shirt with the huge GB logo, so it might be seen on TV.
Here is what I was wearing….This same outfit, I was so excited!
by Egons_girlfriend24
18 years, 5 months ago
Well that sounds exciting. I hope you are on tv.
by gbusterchick68841
18 years, 5 months ago
Very cool indeed! Hope you do appear on t.v. ::crosses fingers:: lol :-)
by GBexpert.
18 years, 5 months ago
Only 15 seconds of fame…but well worth it!
by xander
18 years, 5 months ago
I had my 15 seconds of fame one time. It was at my local si-fi convention in 1999. I was having Spok ears put on at one of the booths when a news guy came up to me for an interview. Later that night, they put 15 seconds of my interview in the 5:00 news on chanal 4. That was one of the best days of my yong life (^_^) :-) .