by Stoofuss

21 years, 7 months ago

It doesn't even matter if they're MOC actually, I just want 1st Series RGB Figures that are still in the box (besides Stay Puft) who's got'em? I will sell or trade.

by rgghost

21 years, 7 months ago

i have 1st seris slimer moc but part of the pics been ripped. let me know if he want to buy him.

by erikghostbuster

21 years, 7 months ago


These guys have Moc ghostbusters

Erik :s

by Stoofuss

21 years, 7 months ago

Erik: Yes they do, but I want FIRST SERIES-
btw, exactly how bad is the rip? Send me some pics, please. Maybe we can do business.

by Ghostbuster_D

21 years, 7 months ago

Mike's General store does have First Series MOC. They have slimer and Ray.

by Stoofuss

21 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, but I mean, $40 for Ray? I've seen it got for like $16…

by Ghostbuster_D

21 years, 7 months ago

Yes, but does that mean you'll be able to? Just because someone gets a good deal on something, doesn't mean everyone will. And that was on ebay most likely, wasn't it?

by Stoofuss

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, yeah, but I've seen it happen more than once– and I've only got $82.00 to spend this summer, I don't want almost half of it going to ONE figure.

by rgghost

21 years, 7 months ago

ill have some pics of the slimer tomarrow.

and about the first seris guys ,it its always diffrent sometimes there super high and othere times there really low. example ,i found a sort of hidden aution. 3 first seris ray moc went for $16.00 the next week ONE went for $30. so it all hit in miss,that how i got mine.

by Stoofuss

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, would you be willing to sell one of your first series MOC Ray Figures? I really do wanna get some of these.