The car body is a Plymouth Volare' - downloaded from 3dCafe's free model's sections. Here's a direct link to the original model:
The model's in MAX format, so it's only usable in 3dsMax. At the time I didn't have a copy of this, so I had to ship the zip off to a friend in mexico, via ICQ. He converted the model to a DXF and sent it back, whereupon it was finally usable in Bryce 3D. I stripped away the wheels, and set about applying textures to the various model parts. Texturing the door was a bit of a trick in that it's a seperate model piece from the rest of the car body, so I had to fiddle the texture for awhile to get the markings on the door to line up with those on the rest of the body.
The wheels are pure Bryce models of my own creation, and are available for download from under their bryce models section.They're based on a set of rims created by RADER, of the type George Barris fit to the original Batmobile.
The roof rack and equipment are a mix of Bryce models and DXF parts imported from Ray Dream 5. The front “ram bar” is likewise a mix of Bryce cylinders and Ray Dream Pieces.
Lighting was handled with omni-lights placed in front of the headlights, and runnng lights, inside the lightbars, and one big green one where the ghost would be. Likewise four “spot” lights were added to the roof lightbars, though they aren't immediately obvious.
Renders were made for each set of lights, similar to the way hollywood movie-makers would shoot a model.
running lights
blue roof lights
green ghost light
ambient moonlight
off-camera side-light
and those were composited in photoshop, then adjusted until the level of light for each was nicely atmospheric. The ghost is a simple paste-in, in overlay mode. The skeleton is a stock model in Poser4. The eyeballs were added to the skeleton by duplicating the pose with a stock poser human, then turning off all the parts of that figure until only the eyeballs remained visible, sitting in the same place as the skeleton's eyesockets.
Fog and vapor effects were airbrushed onto the shot in photoshop.
There are two other 3d cafe models in the image as well, way in the back is a movie theater building, and another vehicle, this time a Dodge Coronet. Also the garbage can was a free download from
The reason for the big space at right of the image is that at some point I had planned on building a poser4 Ghostbuster and placing him into the shot reacting to the ghost. I never got around to it though.
Hope you find that of some interest
