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by back

22 years, 6 months ago

Ive taken a boo at alot of the ads on the right hand side of GBN, the ones selling films and so fourth. I have went down to my local vid shop and i have bought previously veiwed copies of some of the films displayed. I belive that the film ads hit harder than any other ad available.
im gone.

by Ectoman

22 years, 6 months ago

I keep getting these computer ones, which I like. But I hate these stupid ones that try to make you think it is an error message, or Get $500 Dollars! Click Here!

by back

22 years, 5 months ago

I completely agree. ads that make you think that theres something wrong with your system by resebling what an error window really looks like is one of the most annoying things on earth! ads about computers from a friendly non-threating selling point is cool. something like a photoshop ad or windows XP ad. things that people use/want for there systems.
im gone.