More interesting Ghostbusters Stuff on eBay

by spengs1

18 years, 3 months ago

Fomeboy: I'm not trying to hurt your auction as you'll probably sell your ringer “no ghost” logo t-shirt anyway. The only thing rare about that shirt is that Hot Topic (last I knew) wasn't selling it anymore. Those shirts can be found on-line through various shopping sites.

Like Good luck with your auctions.

by fomeboy

18 years, 3 months ago

mmm I see they are back in stock… last time I ordered the white GB t-shirt from them, along with the Ecto-1 t-shirt and a few Garbage Pail Kids t-shirts, they said they'd run out of stock… I will edit my previous post…

I also went to check the Hot Topic site… just in case, and the t-shirt is back in stock as well (I bought it there) so they are selling it again… but it's not the same one I have (mine was the first released, different font)…

I posted the picture from the 80stees site because I was too lazy to take a pic… but I'm gonna edit the auction and upload a pic of the real t-shirt…

and the majority of these t-shirts can't be found on-line through various shopping sites (what are the other sites besides 80stees and Hot Topic?)… most of them used to be sold at Hot Topic a few years ago, but then went on sale and sold-out… now they only show up on eBay from time to time…

you said you were not trying to hurt my auctions but you did lol :p

by spengs1

18 years, 3 months ago

Really, a different font? I haven't compared the two, yeah it doesn't seem to look quite right. Earlier today I didn't know Hot Topic and/or there web site was selling the shirt.

I know other web stores are selling Ghostbusters t-shirts, I don't know if they carry the original “no ghost” ringer. I should have been more clear in my previous post.

by fomeboy

18 years, 3 months ago

I uploaded the new pic… the difference between the t-shirts is that the original t-shirt has the font you see everywhere Ghostbusters written with and the letter “o”… those selling now at Hot Topic and 80stees have a different font and a no-ghost logo instead of the letter “o”… also the copyright at the bottom is red and theirs is black… hope this helps

by fomeboy

18 years, 3 months ago

relisted t-shirts (girlfriend did)…
white Ghostbusters t-shirt L
black Slimer t-shirt XL
white Stay Puft Marshmallow Man t-shirt XL
black Ghostbusters women's top XL

and a rare Seed of Chuky Promo t-shirt L…

thanks for looking! :p

by Insight-FRA

18 years, 3 months ago

Proton Pack, Trap, Flight Suit, Gloves and Belt with electronics. Spread the word!

by fomeboy

18 years, 3 months ago

sorry that I'm posting this again… only a few hours before the auctions end… Insight-FRA you made one topic about your Proton Pack give me a break lol :p

relisted t-shirts (girlfriend did)…

and a rare Seed of Chuky Promo t-shirt…

thanks for looking! :p

by fome

17 years, 11 months ago

could this be a real vintage or just a iron-on transfer?

Blue Ghostbusters T-Shirt

by JerseyDevil

17 years, 11 months ago

I tempted to say legit because it looks like the tees some bystanders (esp 3 boys) are holding up at approx 1:35:54 into the film, as the credits roll.