More interesting Ghostbusters Stuff on eBay

by Ecto_Dude

17 years, 8 months ago

Slime Blower original plans

Thought it was VERY interesting for people making their own Slimer Blowers.

by Nix

17 years, 8 months ago

Slime Blower original plans

Thought it was VERY interesting for people making their own Slimer Blowers.


:-O (*_*)

by fome

17 years, 7 months ago

Proton Pack Replica with lights and sound

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

Proton Pack Replica with lights and sound

The bit of the Pack most people see is good, but good God what were they thinking sticking all those electronics on the board right behind the wearer?

It's almost like they bought a Pack off of someone and then added the electronics on afterwards without wanting to dismantle the Pack to put them inside…

Frankly… it looks dangerous.

by fome

17 years, 7 months ago

that's why I posted the link it looks funny

by misfit1

17 years, 7 months ago

Sweet jesus, I see some bare wires on that amp. Yeah, screw attatching that to my back.

by GbusterKeenster

17 years, 7 months ago

On that Proton Pack on ebay. I can give some history:

It was originally put together by ParaNorman with several parts and pieces from people around the boards from back in 2001. Yes, it's that old. The wires and such are reminents of Hyperdyne's ORIGINAL sound kit. (I think the kit once went for $795 or something like that) It looked great and worked really well. Unfortunately it went to the wrong person when my friend sold it to a guy in Washington, Pa. The guy purchased it and gave it to his son for Christmas (I believe it was Christmas or a B-Day gift) From there it went down hill and the kid obviously took it apart and pathetically attempted to put it back together. Obvicously, it never made it back to its original state. In the end, I feel for the guy who bought it. A real shame, but some people who buy these things really don't have the capabilities to FIX something when it goes bad.


by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

On that Proton Pack on ebay. I can give some history:

It was originally put together by ParaNorman with several parts and pieces from people around the boards from back in 2001. Yes, it's that old. The wires and such are reminents of Hyperdyne's ORIGINAL sound kit. (I think the kit once went for $795 or something like that) It looked great and worked really well. Unfortunately it went to the wrong person when my friend sold it to a guy in Washington, Pa. The guy purchased it and gave it to his son for Christmas (I believe it was Christmas or a B-Day gift) From there it went down hill and the kid obviously took it apart and pathetically attempted to put it back together. Obvicously, it never made it back to its original state. In the end, I feel for the guy who bought it. A real shame, but some people who buy these things really don't have the capabilities to FIX something when it goes bad.


My theory was scarily close to the truth then…

It's a shame that it's become butchered and frankensteined by that friend's son.

by Addiemonster

17 years, 7 months ago

Aww, poor thing. I guess they can't all be Ecto-1s, though. I find it humorous that the engine is listed simply as “8”.

Eight what? Eight cylinders? Eight jiggawatts? Straight-eight? Slant-eight? V8? How very descriptive. (*janine)