More "Ghostbusters 3" Details Revealed

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 9 months ago

Maybe there is a rift in the space time continuum and Dana Barret is replaced with Ripley and Peter doesn't notice and tries to put the moves on her and looses some teeth

by cowboyspike1

15 years, 9 months ago

I'll give the benefit of the doubt and wait until we get the full details on the plot, but as of now, I'm not liking the idea of skipping along from one dimension to the next. I don't mind if the old members train new ones, but keep it set in NYC and have the same pacing and overall tone from the first movie. Hell, even the second movie too.

Actually, to tell you the truth, it has been awhile since I read the previous Ghostbusters novel that came out a few years ago, but I wouldn't mind them making that into a movie.

by RickyM

15 years, 9 months ago

If this is done in the right way, then I'm all for it. But it has to be done right, the premise is one which could fall flat on it's face if they're not careful.

The more Dan talk's about it, the more it sounds likely and the more I get intrigued by the premise. I mean, I'd hope this would be a final film (i don't want another slew of sequels) this needs to round of the characters we know and love and kind of elude to the fact that the work continues after the cast have retired. I have visuals in my head of the perfect way i'd love to see end the “trilogy”, but we'll see…i'm still not entirely convinced that a 3rd is the way to go anymore. But, i'll sure keep my eyes on all this news.

i totally agree with you there, i dont want a load of add ons no more, i just want 1 more film with all the originals back and busting for one last adventure, then, the end of the ghostbusters, it WILL ruin it imo just doing 1 film without the originals, wudnt feel right, so yeah, just one more for me, all originals on 1 more outing, then finish it, why destroy a legend?

by JeffThreat

15 years, 9 months ago

From The Guardian:

"And now for the supernatural bit: after coming together for the game, all the players have stated their intentions to go back, and a script is being written by Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg, writers on the US Office. According to reports the original cast will act as mentors, handing the company over to a new generation, likely to be from the Seth Rogen and Steve Carell class of actors who are filling up just the same space in Hollywood as Aykroyd and Murray once did. “There'll be a whole new generation that has to be trained and a leader that you'll all love when you meet her,” says Aykroyd. “There'll be lots of cadets, boys and girls who'll be learning how to use the neuron splitter and the inter-planet interceptor - new tools to enable them to slip from dimension to dimension.” "

by TaxiCabFloor

15 years, 9 months ago

No offense to Danny but I'm praying he was a little drunk on that Skull Vodka he's been pushing, when he was quoted here.

This isn't the way to go about getting that third movie green lit, inter-stellar travel. The whole thing that made the original a classic was because Harold and Ivan made it a “going into business” movie and set it current day and simplified the concept.

by LawgSkrak

15 years, 9 months ago

I'm hoping they get one (or some) of the Denver Ghostbusters from “Return of the Ghostbusters” to cameo in one of the trainee scenes. Maybe as a teacher's assistant or something. Just for a second.

by Yehome

15 years, 9 months ago

I'm hoping they get one (or some) of the Denver Ghostbusters from “Return of the Ghostbusters” to cameo in one of the trainee scenes. Maybe as a teacher's assistant or something. Just for a second.

No, those actors are bad.

by LawgSkrak

15 years, 9 months ago

No they aren't.

And I said “cameo” not “starring role”. They don't even have to speak.

There's a nod to RoTG in the upcoming video game, so why not in the new movie?

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 9 months ago

Yea, I definitely don't think the guys in ROTGB are bad. I don't think they're fantastic either, but they're definitely good. Definitely talented. Although I'd say the Russian guy was pretty bad.

by EJT501

15 years, 8 months ago

Regarding the story, Aykroyd said: "There'll be a whole new generation that has to be trained and a leader that you'll all love when you meet her. There'll be lots of cadets, boys and girls who'll be learning how to use the neuron splitter and the inter-planet interceptor - new tools to enable them to slip from dimension to dimension."
oh no ! this is what Aykroyd and Belushi were trying to get the original one to be, but reitman and the company wanted it realistic. Oh Christ theyre gonna screw it up. :* (