More "Ghostbusters 3" Details Revealed

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

oh no ! this is what Aykroyd and Belushi were trying to get the original one to be, but reitman and the company wanted it realistic. Oh Christ theyre gonna screw it up. :* (

The video game certainly takes it to a more paranormal, more expansive, fantasy type idea… so there's really no problem with it.

If you were referring to the new recruits and cadets thing… that's not exactly what Aykroyd wanted in the original. He wanted there to be multiple ghost-catching companies.

by TaxiCabFloor

15 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;148772
The video game certainly takes it to a more paranormal, more expansive, fantasy type idea… so there's really no problem with it.

If you were referring to the new recruits and cadets thing… that's not exactly what Aykroyd wanted in the original. He wanted there to be multiple ghost-catching companies.

There's a DISTINCT difference between expanding reality for a video game as opposed to a feature length motion picture. On top of that, it sound like he's saying that they MAKE some gizmo that allows them to access to the ghost worlds…in the game, they stumble upon portals and things like that, making it SOMEWHAT more believable? This just sounds like it could be disasterous to me if traveling through dimensions is going to be a regular part of Ghostbusters. Hopefully these are just early ramblings of brain farts and things like that. You get reminded of how crazy Dan's mind works when watching some of the special features and SFX featurette on the Ghostbusters Blu Ray disc, how specifically techincal he is about every aspect. I'm starting to hope that this was no different….and that someone will reel him in closer to reality.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

There's a DISTINCT difference between expanding reality for a video game as opposed to a feature length motion picture. On top of that, it sound like he's saying that they MAKE some gizmo that allows them to access to the ghost worlds…in the game, they stumble upon portals and things like that, making it SOMEWHAT more believable? This just sounds like it could be disasterous to me if traveling through dimensions is going to be a regular part of Ghostbusters. Hopefully these are just early ramblings of brain farts and things like that. You get reminded of how crazy Dan's mind works when watching some of the special features and SFX featurette on the Ghostbusters Blu Ray disc, how specifically techincal he is about every aspect. I'm starting to hope that this was no different….and that someone will reel him in closer to reality.

It actually is somewhat more believable since in the one instance they willingly went through a portal in the game they had to…they were stuck in the sub-basement of the Library…at that point it was go broke or nothing…besides…it WAS Egon and Ray that went with you…I am sure Egon's scientific curiousity was probably got the better of him.

by streamcrosser

15 years, 8 months ago

at the very end of the video game during the credits, dan and bill are talking to you “the rookie” saying they are thinking of expanding the frachise and asking if you would like to lead a team in a different city (they mention chicago). i think that this might be a hint towards a third movie and a clue as to where it might take place.

sorry if someone already caught this and posted it :-)

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 8 months ago


Dan Aykroyd, the crazy Canuck that he is, just loves that city for it's history and the music.

Also because it's the perfect city for big doughy guys.

by LawgSkrak

15 years, 8 months ago

From The Guardian:

" “There'll be lots of cadets, boys and girls who'll be learning how to use the neuron splitter and the inter-planet interceptor - new tools to enable them to slip from dimension to dimension.” "

See, right there is the perfect opportunity to slip in a cameo from one or two (or all) of the guys from RoTGB.

by StayPuffMarshmellowMan

15 years, 8 months ago

They did inter-dementional travel in Ghostbusters: The Video Game and it was done well there. So if it's something like that in GB3 then I'm fine with it.

by clusterhead37

15 years, 7 months ago

Im all for this movie. The only thing i worry about is that it will turn out to be like Indiana Jones 4. That movie was still exciting to watch, but it was a bit of a let down. I really feel that the GB Crew would not let us down so im still all for it.

The directing on this flick will be great. I just really hope they incorporate the fundamentals of the original Ghostbusters. Keep it simple. Don't overdue the graphics and the slap-stick comedy has to be there. It would also be great if they could (with effects) give it that 80's-90's movie look. Doesn't have to be an HD picture. Well, im sure it does. Most people these days need mindless, intense grahpics and the highest picture quality.

Just my thoughts. :-)

by LongHairedAussieGuy

15 years, 7 months ago

As long as the script is good and they do not overkill the film with CGI, thats all I am concerned about.

by DocHoliday

15 years, 7 months ago

All depends on how it is handled.