More "Ghostbusters 3" Details Revealed

by TaxiCabFloor

15 years, 7 months ago

Stay Puff Marshmellow Man;149675
They did inter-dementional travel in Ghostbusters: The Video Game and it was done well there. So if it's something like that in GB3 then I'm fine with it.

Yes but it's a video game. The limits are much more lax in that environment. I just pray if they do travel, it's isolated incidents that they have no control over and must solve some kind of geographic puzzle in getting their way back. I just basically don't want to see Ray and Egon create their own portal to other dimensions that resides in the firehouse, that's too cartoony, I wouldn't even want that in the video game.

by frankie09

15 years, 6 months ago

if i am hearing correctly if their going to be
an new team of ghostbusters and bill murray
dan aykroyd and harold ramis are going to be training
the new batch why don't they titled it ghostbusters
: the second generation and finaly marrie venkman and dana of in the movie and oscar goes to college and an great idea have the team
battle both gozer and vigo together after they being ressurrected
by an ancient chant by a couple of submerian worshippers
and dana becomes possessed and don her famous possessed dana red dress from the first movie again which ghostbusters will have to allso distroy her because she joined the evil side and the arrival of walter peck jr the son of walter peck from gb1 at the gbhq an cool combo and i like it.

frankie smales

(gb fan)

by robbritton

15 years, 6 months ago

Frankie, that was amazing.

by Yehome

15 years, 6 months ago

Don't do drugs kids.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 6 months ago

Which brings me to my next point… Don't smoke crack.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

15 years, 6 months ago

if i am hearing correctly if their going to be
an new team of ghostbusters and bill murray
dan aykroyd and harold ramis are going to be training
the new batch why don't they titled it ghostbusters
: the second generation and finaly marrie venkman and dana of in the movie and oscar goes to college and an great idea have the team
battle both gozer and vigo together after they being ressurrected
by an ancient chant by a couple of submerian worshippers
and dana becomes possessed and don her famous possessed dana red dress from the first movie again which ghostbusters will have to allso distroy her because she joined the evil side and the arrival of walter peck jr the son of walter peck from gb1 at the gbhq an cool combo and i like it.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 6 months ago

if i am hearing correctly if their going to be
an new team of ghostbusters and bill murray
dan aykroyd and harold ramis are going to be training
the new batch why…the team
battle both gozer and vigo to…destroy her because she joined the evil side and the arrival of walter peck jr the son of walter peck from gb1 at the gbhq an cool combo and i like it.

by frankie09

15 years, 6 months ago

if i had a choice of the female ghostbuster it will between scarlett johansson megan fox or alyssa milano who appeared in the game
as an female ghostbuster in the movie and for the men the choice
will be brandon fraser david duchovny zach braff or brad pitt and
chris rock or chris (ludicris )bridges and for the mayor george clooney
it will be ace idea and for the ghostly main boss tim curry as ivo shandor
and an special appearance by slavvitza jovan as gozer in a flash back scene .

fankie smales

(ghostbusters fan)

by Yehome

15 years, 6 months ago

yo bro imma gonna bust some ghosts

by Kingpin

15 years, 6 months ago

chris (ludicris )bridges

What exact acting merit does he have?

Celebrities shouldn't be chosen just because they're “hot stuff”. Otherwise it could be grounds for making that idiot Usher a Ghostbuster.