More "Ghostbusters 3" Details Revealed

by Dr.D

15 years, 6 months ago

Simon Pegg…that's all I will say.

by venkman3

15 years, 6 months ago

if i am hearing correctly if their going to be
an new team of ghostbusters and bill murray
dan aykroyd and harold ramis are going to be training
the new batch why don't they titled it ghostbusters
: the second generation and finaly marrie venkman and dana of in the movie and oscar goes to college and an great idea have the team
battle both gozer and vigo together after they being ressurrected
by an ancient chant by a couple of submerian worshippers
and dana becomes possessed and don her famous possessed dana red dress from the first movie again which ghostbusters will have to allso distroy her because she joined the evil side and the arrival of walter peck jr the son of walter peck from gb1 at the gbhq an cool combo and i like it.

frankie smales

(gb fan)

At no point in your incessant rambling did you get anywhere close to the correct answer… I think everyone in the audience is now dumber for having listened to it. And may Gozer have mercy on your soul… not really, i was just trying to be nice.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 5 months ago

For the post about the movie an Gozer coming back, The Game IS canan and between GB2 and GB3 so with that said, Gozer is DEAD. Yeah, not happening. At least I don't think….

As long as it is good, I am all for the movie.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years, 5 months ago

I don´t like the “pass the torch” idea too much… but I know it´s gonna happen if we wan the franchise alive for the next 25 years…

I was thinking on it… why don´t do a movie where the original Ghostbusters back in business when NYC is under ghostly attack once again? They´re old, I know, I have seen them… but not too old to wear the jumpsuit again. Somewhere over here one guy said “Sylvester Stallone did Rambo 4…” (ridiculous if you ask me), but Bill Murray never showed a good shape body, or Dan Aykoryd roll never was jumping or shooting big guns: THEY´RE SCIENTISTS!!! When have you seen a scientist doing fitness? Never! Well, the Ghostbusters are back, they solve the problem and save the day (the city, and the world) once again, but they realize they´re old… and the movie ends with several scenes of different cities on USA and worldwide opening other GB franchises!!! With Venkman training some guys on LA, Spengler on Japan, Stantz on México (I´d love it happening) and Zeddemore on Spain… or no matter what countries… but I wanna see the end of the trilogy with my heroes getting retired but taking administrator charges of the new franchises… and then, Peter could say as final dialogue “We are on the threshold of establishing the indispensable defense science of the next decade - Professional Paranormal Investigations and Eliminations”. A epic end for the movies… and if other GB New Generation movies came later… it´s ok, I´m happy with GB3.

by ectospinner

15 years, 5 months ago

I think it'd work if they acknowledged that they're getting old and had a few extra people around that never get any real screen time until the end. Just some hired help or something like that.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 5 months ago

I think it'd work if they acknowledged that they're getting old and had a few extra people around that never get any real screen time until the end. Just some hired help or something like that.

That doesn't really develop the new characters that well though, does it?

by ectospinner

15 years, 5 months ago

Seems that most of the fans are against the “passing of the torch” idea, so for the third movie, it'd probably sell better if they tried to avoid new characters as much as possible and maybe set up a later project to be about new characters rather than the old team.

“I mean, just from a sales point of view.” lol

Just my 2 cents though.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 5 months ago

See, that's the thing though. They've made up their minds, the new recruits will be there.

And its Ghostbusters III. Fans have waited for forever for this. Its not going to hurt sales if they add new recruits. People will still go see it, and they know that.

by ectospinner

15 years, 5 months ago

I know that, but I'm just saying it's my opinion that the movie would be better and sell better if they had new people, but didn't focus on them as much as the original guys.

I mean, just look at all the people screaming negativity about “passing the torch”. Sure if they're fans of ghostbusters, odds are, they'll still see the movie, but will it be as well received as a movie with less new faces?

Still, just my opinion, but recently my opinions seem to be starting arguments on other forums, so I'm going to leave it here and not say anymore.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 5 months ago

I know that, but I'm just saying it's my opinion that the movie would be better and sell better if they had new people, but didn't focus on them as much as the original guys.

I mean, just look at all the people screaming negativity about “passing the torch”. Sure if they're fans of ghostbusters, odds are, they'll still see the movie, but will it be as well received as a movie with less new faces?

Still, just my opinion, but recently my opinions seem to be starting arguments on other forums, so I'm going to leave it here and not say anymore.

Don't worry man, you're not starting an argument at all… We're here to discuss things. However, like you said, people will still see the movie, so that's what matters to Sony. It will still sell well because its Ghostbusters. Yes, the fans would like it more without them, but since they'll still see it, it won't sell any differently.