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by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott Sommer;143712
Peter and Venkman going at it on the arcade machines is priceless.

Brain fart.

For 5 internet points….who can name the scenes where all the Venkman pictures were taken from on the employee of the month?

Because I'm a big enough geek:

1) Disaster of Biblical Proportions
2) Where are you from, originally?
3) Ghostbusters II poster
4) We're ready to believe you!
5) So be good, or goodness' sake! Woah!
6) Type something, will you? We're paying for this stuff.
7) Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown.
8) Come in, Ray.
9) You're not sleeping with it, are you?

I'm pretty sure 5 and 9 are wrong… but they're just so small.

by heslimedme251

15 years, 8 months ago

January: “This is preposterous!” - getting kicked out of the university.
February: “We're ready to believe you!” - the amateur advert!
March: “Go get her, Ray!” - Talking to Gozer!
April: “It's right here, Ray. It's looking at me!” - Peter on radio to Ray.
May: “Where are you from, originally?” - Peter talks to Library Ghost.
June: Dancing with Ray Parker Jr.
July: Not Peter, but Winston looking out at the advancing Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
August: The montage (or deleted scene where Ray is driving to fast!)
September: From the Ghostbusters 2 poster.
October: (This one has me a little confused) it's either “Dana, are these the eggs!” or when he's getting a stool sample for Egon. (or neither)

(November & December are blank!)

Do I win the Internets now?

by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

Brain fart.

Yeah…*sticks out tongue and pretends to hit self*…it's early morning where I am…

January: “This is preposterous!” - getting kicked out of the university.
February: “We're ready to believe you!” - the amateur advert!
March: “Go get her, Ray!” - Talking to Gozer!
April: “It's right here, Ray. It's looking at me!” - Peter on radio to Ray.
May: “Where are you from, originally?” - Peter talks to Library Ghost.
June: Dancing with Ray Parker Jr.
July: Not Peter, but Winston looking out at the advancing Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
August: The montage (or deleted scene where Ray is driving to fast!)
September: From the Ghostbusters 2 poster.
October: (This one has me a little confused) it's either “Dana, are these the eggs!” or when he's getting a stool sample for Egon. (or neither)

(November & December are blank!)

Yes, but the October one is actually the scene where Ray bring the Ecto-1 ambulance and Peter says “How Much?”

So I will give you 2, Kingpin gets 2, and I'll keep the last one.

by Kingpin

15 years, 8 months ago

Everyone's a winner.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 8 months ago

Anyone else think that maybe the months were originally planned as such since the game was due to be released at the end of October 2008? Hence they left November and December blank since technically those would be months when you would be playing as the Rookie. If they were adjusted, they would be meant to go up to May, and have June and July blank… although it also makes sense ending it with November and December for the end of the year.

by markderidder

15 years, 8 months ago

Doctor Venkman;143721
Anyone else think that maybe the months were originally planned as such since the game was due to be released at the end of October 2008? Hence they left November and December blank since technically those would be months when you would be playing as the Rookie. If they were adjusted, they would be meant to go up to May, and have June and July blank… although it also makes sense ending it with November and December for the end of the year.

Perhaps, but since the game takes place in 1991, it's not meant to be a current timeline. Seems like the games story takes place around thanksgiving.


by ScottSommer

15 years, 8 months ago

Perhaps, but since the game takes place in 1991, it's not meant to be a current timeline. Seems like the games story takes place around thanksgiving.


I remember Mark Randell mentioning that in the demos.

He said that the game first takes place during a thanksgiving day parade or something like that.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott Sommer;143735
I remember Mark Randell mentioning that in the demos.

He said that the game first takes place during a thanksgiving day parade or something like that.

I remember that too. And that would have gone perfectly with the original release date.

by Dakera

15 years, 8 months ago

Scott Sommer;143712
Are you sure? Looks like we only saw the first part of the Library demo. All the parts after seem to dive deeper into the level or later one. You don't really go that far in the comic-con demos anyway. So maybe it is only the second part we are looking at as we do not rejoin up with Ray until you capture the ghost.

Which leads me to question….where did Winston go? He was there in like the first part then he just disappeared (yeah I know he went into the “archives,” but I mean he doesn't show up in later footage of the library level…or maybe I missed him). Man, he is always getting the bad rep.

Rookie and Venkman going at it on the arcade machines is priceless. We probably won't play the actual in game arcade, but I bet you can get those “interactive” things that some levels have.

For 5 internet points….who can name the scenes where all the Venkman pictures were taken from on the employee of the month?

Who says Winston always get's a bad rep, He got employee of the month! in July….

by superstarseven

15 years, 8 months ago

In the Gamespot preview there is a point where Ray says “S'mores for everybody, happy Thanksgiving”. We also forgot about the demonic parade float from the trailer released in December. There you go, irrefutable proof.