Moron calls Terminal Reality a joke of a devloper

by lionheart1

15 years, 7 months ago

You know, it's not even like I didn't have trouble with that part the first time through… it just seems a little ridiculous that people are getting SO upset over it. I've heard that some people are even RETURNING THE GAME when they get to that point. But I didn't have to retry that part any more times than I did say, a really challenging part in Gears of War or 3/4 of the levels in Sonic Unleashed. Sometimes in games, you can't do things on the first try. That's when you restrategize and try something else.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 7 months ago

Returning a game because you come to a difficult part is a bit much…

I bet these very same people complain about the easy difficulty of games