most GB 3 rumors are B.S is there any recent news that is hard facts!

by canadianGB

23 years, 4 months ago

I don't know about you guys but I'm tired of hearing the bull shit rumors about GB3. It seems that all the news comes from 1999. Last time I checked its 2001 almost 2002! I am begging for any one with recent and factual info to put something down on this website. We always seem to hear from the same people and they only know so much. There is 1636 users and maybe a hundred ever contribute. I love this site and think all of the loyal fans is great, but I am bitter about hollywood ruining something good. I always hear “DEAD” with GB3 news. But really you have to think that Aykroyd or not all of the Gb cast& crew could have gave up the idea. Why does Murray have to be a Dick? I am just frustrated because I am not likeing what I hear. There must be something that we can do.

by bigpapi428

23 years, 4 months ago

i would love to have some facts for you but all i have heard also is nothing but rumors,
i also agree with the fact that there are many more users that could maybe make a difference if we can each write or e-mailing like we have ben doing, it has gotten someones attention for the cartoons so maybe there is hope for the movie too.
-suck it in boys we're the ghostbusters-

by d_osborn

23 years, 4 months ago

the latest i've heard…and i'm pretty sure it wasn't a rumor…was the sigourney weaver said she didn't want to do it. don't hold your breath, dude. i'm looking forward to super knight rider 3000. it's probably really gonna suck, though, if the name is any indication.

by canadianGB

23 years, 3 months ago

yeah Knight rider is cool!! I read about GB3 news in cinescape Dec. 2001 it was that qoute from Sigorni Weaver. It said she won't do another one and maybe Gb3 should be a new team.There is not much more but you can ask me if you want.

by darealgb

23 years, 3 months ago

look ya never know things have va wierd way of changeing themselves

by TheGuard

23 years, 2 months ago

Here are some “hard facts”.

Bill Murray said he'd do it, but only if they killed off his character in the first five minutes.

(Working on it, Bill.)

Dan Akroyd's script involved Hades bringing the underworld up to Earth, and was reportedly terrible. It involved the training of new Ghostbusters. Also, Oscar had a larger role in GB3.

Harold Ramis and Dan Akroyd expressed interest. Ramis would have liked to direct it.

Dan Akroyd talkd to Chris Farley, Will Smith, Jason Alexander and Jeff Daniels about being new Ghostbusters if it happened.

Akroyd said he would only do it if Bill Murray was involved. Murray at one point in 1998 said he would never attach his name to another Ghostbusters.

Here's what Akroyd had to say in 1999

“It doesn't look like it's going to happen for the same reason they aren't going to make Men In Black 2. The above the line cost is way too much for the studio to see it to be economically feasible. It's a shame too because everyone wants to do it. Even Bill Murray said he would work a few days on it. I did finish a script. Harold Ramis liked parts of it. Ivan Reitman liked parts of it too. There's definitely an interest from all of the original parties invovled to make it. But the studio just doesn't want to take the risk.”

Well…MIB 2 is coming out.

But Ivan Reitman has point blank said “There will be no Ghostbusters 3”…and it doesn't look like there will be.

by ghostbuddy

23 years, 2 months ago

I'm really fed up of hearing stupid rumours as well, but all I've heard that is supposed to be true is Dan Aykroyd saying that the GB3 idea is finally “in a grave”, and that all the rights are “tied up” (probably by Bill Murray). Apparently there is a reason why Bill Murray won't agree to do it, but I'm not sure what all that was about (but it was what Dan Aykroyd had said).
I just wish Bill would agree to do another one, but he's obviously very stubborn about not doing it.

by TheGuard

23 years, 2 months ago

It's dead. The rights are like co-owned among the big three. Ramis, Akroyd and Murray. Not sure if Hudson has any. But Murray clearly isn't interested. Too bad.

by Texasgb

23 years, 2 months ago

It does not look like it will happen soon.

by Class5Pilly

23 years, 2 months ago

Good, that saved us from an embarasment. I know people are very strongly opnionated that there should be a GB3, but I don't want to see it. Dan couldn't write another good script. He has lost his talent. I mean, come on, look at Blues Brothers 2000. That actually had a strong backing, and it turned out garbage. And concerning Bill Murry coming back, I wouldn't want him to. Have you seen his more recent films? Osmosis Jones should speak for itself. The only person I think still has something left is Ivan.
Hey, that's my opinion, and I'm aloud to have it. Let Ghostbusters rest in peace, and not bethe ghost that won't stay dead.