most GB 3 rumors are B.S is there any recent news that is hard facts!

by Spangler

23 years, 2 months ago

Well we all know Hollywood's history… They'll take a classic movie that was brilliant of its time… wait about 2 decades. modernize it, specialeffect it to death. and put to much money into it than they should talent… The original Gbs are, and will, be the best… I would love to see a GB3 movie, dont get me wrong… but in my opinion I think hollywood would ruin it…

smile wink

by motherpusbucket

23 years, 2 months ago

As time goes on Ghostbusters is only gonna get older lets face it. We all love the humor that once was, but we are never going to have that magic again. We can remake it with or with out the same actors. I recetly purchesed the New Ghostbusters DVD and it has sooo many cool additions to it.
But outside of what happend in the 80's and what reunions of what was we must understand that there will never be a GB3. It would be cool. but it is too late. Maybe if they wanted to do it after GB2, but they didn't. I do wish there was more of the cartoons and i don't really like the Extreme Ghostbusters idea. The charatures are all wrong and it is shoty replacement. and i don't want the to happen in a movie.

by Maroone

23 years, 2 months ago

Yes, Ghostbusters 3 is DEAD. Ghostbusters is DEAD. It's all DIEING. We're in the 21st century now and we should start focusing on movies in the 21st century, not some 1980's bullcrap. I could just imagine there being a Ghostbusters 3 with the original cast. Come on, look at Bill Murray. If he were to put a Proton Pack on his back he would break every bone in his back. They are old and talentless. Ghostbusters will die with us and will be long forgotten. The original cast members will die and everybody who produced Ghostbusters will die. There will never be another Ghostbusters movie. I guarantee you 100%. And for those who said they are making scripts planning a Ghostbusters 3 movie, that doesn't count unless you sell it to Columbia Pictures or some studio and they make a movie out of it. To sum it all up, goodbye Ghostbusters.


23 years, 2 months ago

Never say never.

by Texasgb

23 years, 2 months ago

GB3 is not dead. It may not be made for a long time but it still will be made. Sony will do something with the franchise because because it has a huge name. Aykroyd has not lost his talent. If you saw Evolution he had the funniest part. He wrote all of his lines for that movie.

by vinzclortho1

23 years, 1 month ago

none from me.
i use to hear stuff about the dead dinosaurs from the museum of natural history -new york came back from the dead i heard that in-1996
but my opinion is its too late now
as much as i would like it its not going to happen. it stopped in 1999.
If anything we will get a weak ass movie of extreme ghostbusters.

by drugasbuster

23 years, 1 month ago

OK, I´ve had it with some of you, F#CK everyone who say GB are dead, F#CK everyone who said Aykroyd andRamis are talentless, F#CK everyone who thinks they are to old to make a GB3, they dont have to bust the ghost themselves!!!, just take a look at EGB, I think its great….

Ok, YOU let GB die, you lousy m#ther f#cker, its not just an old 80´s movie, Its one of the best movies some of us ever saw!, if you think that GB will die and you dont give a sh#t, why dont you just cancell that that sorry ass account of yours and spend your free time in some other kind of stuff?

Ok, thats what I fell…..

by Maroone

23 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, EGB is so great, even with the retard in the wheel chair! “Oh guys! I see a ghost running away! Better wheel down the street and catch it and get caught under a car!” What a stupid idea. Whoever thought of EGB should be hit over the head with a chair. Winston said it himself in GB2 that “Ghostbusters doesn't exist”.

by thePizzaMaster

23 years, 1 month ago

The Ghostbusters will ever be completely dead as long as I am around. Long live the boys in grey.

by Edimasta

23 years, 1 month ago


Why should it be to late to make a GB3???? Thats very stupid to say something like that!! Look at today! The special effects are very cool now! So GB3 would have super effects, and i think they will get a good crew to cast it! But if sony wont sell the rights of the Ghostbusters, it will never be made!
Akroyd and the others should keep on, they should do something, just they and the fans can bring a GB3 to life!!!!

So keep on busting, i think in a few years we will have a GB 3!