Mr. Dan Aykroyd/Dr. Raymond Stantz wants to see your stuff!

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

From : Dan
Date : Sep 26, 2006 2:50 AM
Subject : Contest
Body :

Hello Fellow Fans, Members, and friends. (Or all in one! Because thats how I feel about all of you!)

Well all of you know with Halloween around the corner you know what time of season that will be. So I was hoping maybe many of you would work on projects about Halloween. If You are I would greatly appreicate looking upon your idea(s) And if you could also send halloween pictures!

Was hoping to roll the ball on getting ideas together. Got a Link of some very good Ghostbuster Videos ex. (Freddy V.S. Ghostbusters) that really made my day.

Well Bless you all and remember….

Don't toss panties in my mailbox!

I know its very random but it happens alot to me.

-Danny Boy

by doctorvenkman1

18 years, 5 months ago

Dude, for the last time there's no way that's actually him. Dan Aykroyd is a very talented write and I can guarantee you that he would have much better grammar than that in a message to his fans. Stop dreaming and come back down to reality. Myspace has no way of proving your identity, so people create fake profiles all the time as a way of having fun with the morons who will actually believe them.

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

ok I guess I'm a moron for believing… we have no proof if it's really him but I posted this in case it's him so that users can show him their stuff…

I also saw the typo errors… maybe he just did them while using the keyboard… I mean everybody does…

but then again… who knows…

by fusi0n1

18 years, 5 months ago

Hey, it's Ghostbusters and gives people something to do.

But I'm very optimistic when it comes to the internet and myspace.
I mean, I'd only start to be somewhat umming and arring if he actually had pictures of his friends or family, not just the one pic. I know he's retired and *may* have time for the 'net, but still.

So if you have spare time to amuse yourself, or Mr Aykroyd, go for it. Or if you want to find your inner child and send him ghostbusters pics that look like your kid brother drew them, or pics of squashed slugs, either way.

by hanksta2

18 years, 5 months ago

He called “Freddy VS Ghostbusters” excellent.


by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago

you don't take your work too serious don't you? :p

by daftkid909

18 years, 5 months ago

I sent the profile user the link to the “Generation” teaser just for kicks. I know it's not him but if he is pretending to be Dan, maybe he can pretend to give me an apprenticeship!

by hanksta2

18 years, 5 months ago

It's not that I don't take my work seriously, it's just that I know better. I actually had a lengthy conversation with Dan Aykroyd's agent over the phone about his client's involvement with “Return of the Ghostbusters”.

by drspengler2

18 years, 5 months ago

It's not that I don't take my work seriously, it's just that I know better. I actually had a lengthy conversation with Dan Aykroyd's agent over the phone about his client's involvement with “Return of the Ghostbusters”.


You're so cool :-)

by fomeboy

18 years, 5 months ago
