Multiplayer & Single Player Upgrades?

by below_radar_00

15 years, 8 months ago

Does anyone know how the multiplayer upgrades work? I see you get a different flight suit sometimes and a new title. Do your weapons upgrade or anything like that and does anyone have a full list of what the titles and flight suit upgrades are and when the occur?

I also noticed that after I beat the single player game that when I go back to replay missions, I don't have all my upgrades or weapons. It pretty much starts me off at the level from that save point. I know this because I have like 20k in cash when I start off the Times Square level and upgrades are available but not purchased and at that point in the game I wasn't upgrading my weapons. Anyone know a good work around? I want to start from the beginning with everything fully charged so I can really bust some heads…in a spiritual sense of course.

by thedavetini

15 years, 8 months ago

you get a new flight suit every three level ups for the character.

by Chad

15 years, 8 months ago

you get a new flight suit every three level ups for the character.

Is this an unlockable flight suit you can use in-game at your whim?

by thedavetini

15 years, 8 months ago

no it just shows your rank on multiplayer pretty much on multi player

by below_radar_00

15 years, 8 months ago

So there are no weapons upgrades or anything like that in multiplayer? Just jumpsuit upgrades? I really hate not having my boson darts, besides when I pick up that item floating around the stages.

Anyone know anything about my single player upgrade questions from Post 1??

by demonaz

15 years, 8 months ago

Depending on which weapon you choose, you will gradually rank up or upgrade that weapon in multiplayer depending on how much cash you earn. As it says, weapon specialization.

by JamesCGamora

15 years, 8 months ago

I think the rationalization of not having the Boson Dart in multiplayer was that if you were allowed to use it, it would make it WAY too easy.

As far as replaying missions. This is a theory…but I think when you start up a new mission you own whatever equipment you bought up to that point in your first play through…therefore having to buy other upgrades on the way through the mission. As I said this is just a theory based on my experiences in replaying misisons