Multiplayer worth it?

by imported_E-DUBB

15 years, 3 months ago

hey guys, i was hoping you can help me out.

i have the 360 version of the game, beat it twice and was itching for some multiplayer action, but i wanted to know if the multiplayer is worth this….

i only have silver membership to 360, so if i want to play multiplayer i need to buy the stupid gold membership for $59.99 CDN. but then i thought, why dont i trade in the 360 version and buy the ps3 one. i checked and the best i can get for the game in trade value is $25 CDN. the ps3 version sells for $59.99… so essentially i will be getting it for $34.99 + TAX CDN.

i would much rather pay $34.99 and jump to the ps3 than pay $59.99 to stay on xbox.

what do you guys think?

by Sii

15 years, 3 months ago

You don't have to get a years membership for wow. You could get a one month or three month subscription. There aren't that many differences between the two versions, multiplayer wise. I hear psn isn't as good as gold as far as stability, but it is free. I know someone will jump in and scream their face off at me for saying that. If I were you, I would jump on the ps3 version, because you can actually get all 50 trophies.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 3 months ago

xbox live offers a free one month trial. Just add a new gamer tag and start a new membership. the first month is free and gold and at the end of the month it reverts back to silver. It is worth it though!

by stayinpuft1

15 years, 3 months ago

xbox live offers a free one month trial. Just add a new gamer tag and start a new membership. the first month is free and gold and at the end of the month it reverts back to silver. It is worth it though!

There are multiple levels of access for Xbox Live? That's ridiculous and the #1 reason why I will never buy an Xbox. As if spending $300 on a console and $50 on each game isn't enough, they make you pay extra for the privilege to play online? Give me a break. Remember when multiplayer used to be free? Like paying the $50 a month just for internet access isn't enough, Bill Gates has to suck you dry even further.

I also hate how companies are shipping incomplete games on purpose and then they charge you for buying “extra items” or extra gameplay options later on. EA is the biggest culprit of this. Buy the Sims 3 and then spend hundreds of dollars on all the expansion packs and items/objects. I really think that we need to rise up and form a union of gamers. We'd all cancel our subscriptions and tell Microsoft to suck it until they either eliminate the cost of XBL or force game devs to charge like $20 for games if they want to charge for items later on…

by jay_tigran1

15 years, 3 months ago

by Sii

15 years, 3 months ago

StayinPuft, I understand your frustrations, but screaming about them here won't fix anything. Companies nickle and dime us over products because they make enough profits off of the people willing to pay for a new shirt or random multiplayer levels. If you don't like it, don't buy it. If you want it to stop, then convince a majority of people to stop buying dlc, otherwise stfu or gtfo.

by lionheart1

15 years, 3 months ago

I actually don't mind paying for Xbox Live. It's like what, $50 (less if they're running a special) for a whole year of very reliable online play (something you definitely learn to appreciate if you own a Wii and try to play Smash Bros online) along with game demos, Netflix, and such. And they had that 1 vs 100 thing, that was cool. It's less than an MMO subscription and it opens up a wealth of games to play online. They have servers to run and upkeep, so it's not like it's completely unjustified nickel and diming. As a gamer, I think it's a pretty good deal. There's nothing requiring you to pay for more than a month at a time if you so please and that's only like, what? $8ish? I don't find that to be outrageous. I mean, yeah of course you can play most PC games online for free, but there's plenty of cost that goes into that too.

by jackbtripper

15 years, 3 months ago

I think Xbox Live is a Bargain. There is more than just games. My girlfriend and I got it just for the free Netflix movies on our TV. We canceled our cable and just watch Netflix. It’s really awesome and 50 bucks is cheap. To be able to play Ghostbusters with my friends is just a bonus.

by ScottSommer

15 years, 3 months ago

There are multiple levels of access for Xbox Live? That's ridiculous and the #1 reason why I will never buy an Xbox. As if spending $300 on a console and $50 on each game isn't enough, they make you pay extra for the privilege to play online? Give me a break. Remember when multiplayer used to be free? Like paying the $50 a month just for internet access isn't enough, Bill Gates has to suck you dry even further.

Ummm I have been around since the NES days and I do not remember a single system console that had online capabilities that was for free.

I do recall a system to system online connection, but this was very premature and only to a pertained to one system another and not through a network.

I pay $5 a month for XBL which is nothing. XBL is probably the best console based online service around. It beats out the PSN by a mile and I should know because I did get to play on PSN and it was a big charliefoxtrot.

I also seem to recall that if I pay $5 per month I get to play any game that can go online that is one the system. There are some PC games that costs $15 to play online….JUST one game $15 a month plus internet. World of Warcraft anyone?

In honesty, if you play WoW you cannot complain about XBL because some of the PC are far more expensive than anything.

by sandmanfvr

15 years, 3 months ago

I actually don't mind paying for Xbox Live. It's like what, $50 (less if they're running a special) for a whole year of very reliable online play (something you definitely learn to appreciate if you own a Wii and try to play Smash Bros online) along with game demos, Netflix, and such. And they had that 1 vs 100 thing, that was cool. It's less than an MMO subscription and it opens up a wealth of games to play online. They have servers to run and upkeep, so it's not like it's completely unjustified nickel and diming. As a gamer, I think it's a pretty good deal. There's nothing requiring you to pay for more than a month at a time if you so please and that's only like, what? $8ish? I don't find that to be outrageous. I mean, yeah of course you can play most PC games online for free, but there's plenty of cost that goes into that too.

Dead on. For $50 a year if you game online on live, it pays for it itself in a dependable network. “Free” networks are never as highly maintenanced as paid for networks.