Murray Comes Out Against Ghostbusters 3 Again

by batman2

14 years, 7 months ago

Billy Murray kind of squashes “Ghostbusters” rumors, calling it a “crock” That sound you hear is the last nail being driven into the casket of “Ghostbusters 3.”

OK, no project is ever really dead in Hollywood, particularly rumored sequels to extremely successful film franchises like “Ghostbusters.” But Bill Murray’s recent responses to GQ magazine — which interviewed the icon as part of its annual comedy issue — seem to suggest the anticipated third go-round isn’t going to get off the ground.

“It’s all a bunch of crock. It’s a crock,” the candid Murray said. He went on to explain that because Ramis’ “Year One” flopped — and it was penned by the writing team Ramis hoped to lure to “Ghostbusters,” the idea of doing a third movie “just vaporized.”

Murray also seems OK with that, and I think I am, too. No one really wants to see older Ghostbusters, replacement Ghostbusters, or an animated Ghostbusters adventure that send the guys to Hell (all of which have been rumored).

You should read the full article. It really captures Murray’s unique approach to the film industry, and goes on to explain why he works so infrequently, and what kind of identity mix up “inspired” him to lend his voice to “Garfield.” It’s a great read.

Murray Comes Out Against Ghostbusters 3 Again

Bill Murray continues to be open and honest about the next Ghostbusters film

by devilmanozzy1

14 years, 7 months ago

He says this NOW?! Damn it, Bill will be a ghost they bust the first 15 minutes, and lets move on with this thing. What, I guess he is really hoping for the big bucks.

Bill sign the damn paper and let the franchise move on without you. Your too old to be a ghostbuster.

Sorry guys, but this is not cool of Bill.

by Dr.D

14 years, 7 months ago

You know what, Bill is 110% right. Why make another film written by two mediocre writers whose first film was a bomb. Do you guys want a Ghostbusters 3 so badly that you'll take anything? When Sony announced these two guys were writing the script and not Dan and Harold, I was worried. Then Year One came out, and the proverbial shit hit the fan. Bill and most likely Sony saw these guys just didn't make the transition from the small screen to the big screen. Bill has been touchy about this flick forever and when the guys hired to write it put out a stinker like Year One, he figured making the next one is a waste of time. Believe it or not, I think Bill doesn't want to be a part of some throwaway sequel. He didn't want Ghostbusters 2 and the fact that he even considered 3 was a miracle. But Sony lowballing the idea by hiring two no-talent writers to script a franchise film was proof to me that their interest in the series was mild at best.

Sorry to all the Patricks out there, but this is the beginning of the end.

by slimelord1

14 years, 7 months ago

I wouldn't accept GB3 if Dan and Harold didn't write it. They're the only ones I trust to write any further sequels.

by ash.will.return

14 years, 7 months ago

i think the whole ideal about peter being a ghost is real dum and bad story telling

by Kingpin

14 years, 7 months ago

You have to wonder about the timing seeing as Bill is only reacting “now” in the article to Year One. Something makes me think it's an old article that didn't get published til now.

by batman2

14 years, 7 months ago

Even though I never watched Year One, as all the trailers and previews just looked dire I am a little happy if this script gets ditched as there sense of humour just fails.
The last I heard Dan & harrold were meant to be doing a rewrite of the script that The Office boys did.
I can't really remember last time I saw a new good comedy that made me laugh, so a good writer is required to make this project work.
We need to see what Dan has to say about things next, but he always talks the project up even when it is dead.

by ash.will.return

14 years, 7 months ago

i saw year one i didnt hate it but it didnt do it for me, i love the office its one of my favs ghostbusters 3 should be somthing that like superman returns that movie may get alot bs but its still a real good film to me so when i say this dont go fan boy nazi on me maybe they should get new actors to play the roles of the 4 guys its a better ideal then killing peter no1 wants that it wont work it just wont kill peter it will kill ghostbusters and rape us ghostheads

by cowboyspike1

14 years, 7 months ago

i think the whole ideal about peter being a ghost is real dum and bad story telling

The whole idea ofa GB3 is dumb, unless they make it like the first movie.

by ash.will.return

14 years, 7 months ago

yeah but part of me wants like evil dead 4 and phantasm 5