Murray Comes Out Against Ghostbusters 3 Again

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 7 months ago

Going to hell is fine. Sounds great to me. Call it hades, underworld or something not “hell” so you don't get a high end rating like R or something, and go with it. *shrugs*

by Dr.D

14 years, 7 months ago

What? You say we aren't fans if we don't want a sub-par Ghostbusters 3? As hard as it is to believe, Bill doesn't want to be a part of a shitty cash-in film, which for better or worse, is what he is seeing this version of GB3 is becoming. And to say that people aren't fans because they don't want this GB3 is insane. One of my other favorite franchises is Godzilla, and this would be like hearing a new Godzilla film is being made by Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin again.

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 7 months ago

What? You say we aren't fans if we don't want a sub-par Ghostbusters 3? As hard as it is to believe, Bill doesn't want to be a part of a shitty cash-in film, which for better or worse, is what he is seeing this version of GB3 is becoming. And to say that people aren't fans because they don't want this GB3 is insane. One of my other favorite franchises is Godzilla, and this would be like hearing a new Godzilla film is being made by Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin again.

What I take from his comment is, why are people backing one man, Bill Murray, and not the ENTIRE franchise. Bill has been against GB3 for a long time. Just because him, and only him, says it sucks that is the final word? No. He is a egotistic ass and frankly Sony needs to pull rank. Even if it goes back to the drawing board yet again, get the original writers in there, write it up and take Venkman out. No sense in one man dominating an entire freaking franchise that is an American classic. No sense in it.

by Dr.D

14 years, 7 months ago

Yeah but we all know that all four (Murray, Aykroyd, Ramis, and Reitman) have to be on board. So in a sense he does have a lot of power over the franchise.

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 7 months ago

All 4 don't “have” to be on board. Murray is a hindrance to the franchise, no matter how much he has put into the Venkman character. There is MANY more people that put just a much as he did in to characters such as Janine, Louis, and then RGB characters and such. He is a great actor, but he is not Ghostbusters; Ghostbusters is a franchise of great talent, great stories and unlimited potential that one balding, ego manic shouldn't control. He needs to be left behind.

by ash.will.return

14 years, 7 months ago

like i said b4 ghostbusters 3 should be a reboot with new actors playing peter ray and egon winston btw when i say reboot i dont mean remake i mean like halloween h20 or superman returns that way we can still have peter without murray but dont 4get that if u dont like ghostbusters 3 u can go highlander and say hey its not part of the ghostbusters 1&2 timeline its sum other world

by sandmanfvr

14 years, 7 months ago

like i said b4 ghostbusters 3 should be a reboot with new actors playing peter ray and egon winston btw when i say reboot i dont mean remake i mean like halloween h20 or superman returns that way we can still have peter without murray but dont 4get that if u dont like ghostbusters 3 u can go highlander and say hey its not part of the ghostbusters 1&2 timeline its sum other world

That is true to BUT Murray owns stock in the franchise, to Sony would have to pull rank and go with that. I think.

by ash.will.return

14 years, 7 months ago

yeah i know but there going to do whatever they want to do i rather have sum kinda of new ghostbusters cartoon but i think teens would not get it like we get it btw did u guys know that back in the day ghostbusters used to be rated pg 13 now its pg wtf theres nothing pg about that movie ill tell u what should do make gb3 rated r i got a ideal for a story that works with that

by Kingpin

14 years, 7 months ago

Ash, please employ punctuation. Nobody likes a run-on sentence.

by ash.will.return

14 years, 7 months ago

ok sorry, next time ill do that