Murray Comes Out Against Ghostbusters 3 Again

by ash.will.return

14 years, 7 months ago

ok its a bad ideal anyway back to murray and gb3. lol:-)

by Durstlimpbizkit

14 years, 7 months ago

its about a man who injects him self with ecto like a drug, so he goes and date rapes women, to get there life out of them, cuz the ecto is killing him, so he uses there life to keep him undead and not dead and he is become powerful, the guys find out and theres a big fight at the end with the guys having to use new and more powerful proton packs.

Sounds like it was ripped straight out of an episode of Fringe.

by cowboyspike1

14 years, 7 months ago

I actually wouldn't mind a reboot. None of the original actors in it, but they would have to find some great replacements that reflect Bill, Dan, Harold, and Ernie.

Also, you could have the entire movie set in NYC again. I honestly think the idea of hell is horrible. One of the great things I love about GB1 (and even GB2) is that both films were set in a present day environment with great atmosphere due to NYC. It kept the films feeling more real (besides the ghost, of course) .

by Durstlimpbizkit

14 years, 7 months ago

Not so fast Cowboy.

So, how's the sequel to your favorite comedy coming along?
Bill Murray, who apparently wanders the Earth conducting informal interest surveys, tells GQ magazine that he sees a shimmering “Ghostbusters 3” hovering on the horizon since the gossip mill embraced the idea of another movie in the series.

“It's still one of the biggest movies of all time. And ever since that story broke, everywhere I go people are like, ‘So are you gonna make that movie?’ ” he says. “I was down in Austin at South by Southwest, and you go at it hard down there - fun but, man, you need to sleep for days afterwards. Anyhow, I got into it one night with a bunch of younger people who were like, ‘Oh, I love Peter Venkman! I grew up with Peter Venkman!’ We got to talking, and the more we talked about it, the more I thought, ‘Oh Christ, I should just do this thing.’ ”

Taken from:

The man is a walking contradiction.

by ash.will.return

14 years, 7 months ago

I actually wouldn't mind a reboot. None of the original actors in it, but they would have to find some great replacements that reflect Bill, Dan, Harold, and Ernie.

Also, you could have the entire movie set in NYC again. I honestly think the idea of hell is horrible. One of the great things I love about GB1 (and even GB2) is that both films were set in a present day environment with great atmosphere due to NYC. It kept the films feeling more real (besides the ghost, of course) .
yeah thats what i love about gb1, but idk who could play the guys, i got ideals but wont say them lol

by Walter_Peck

14 years, 7 months ago

It would be typical Muray to lead everybody on…then back them off….then lead them on again.

I personally think Murray is doing this to …

A.Build hype(it doesn't need it but hey, it's Bill)
B.Screw with the general media….which Murray loves to do

Did anyone ever stop to think that Bill is just playing with everybody? That a movie is in progress but he just likes to mess around because it's that playfulness that made us love his characters in the first place?

Yes, the man is a walking contradiction….but it's Bill Murray. When has he ever taking something seriously? Never! Not in any movie(ok, he was serious in one movie…and it bombed).

I think Bill is just playing everyone. Which is classic Bill and would make him an excellent addition to GB3. If he got the heart to screw with you then he's back in classic form.

by Dr.D

14 years, 7 months ago

I think Bill is screwing with everyone for one reason and one reason alone…



14 years, 7 months ago

I think it's funny him mentioning coming to Austin. We used to have picture s of him at raves here posted on the old forums for texas raves.

by newrecruit1

14 years, 7 months ago

It would be typical Muray to lead everybody on…then back them off….then lead them on again.

I personally think Murray is doing this to …

A.Build hype(it doesn't need it but hey, it's Bill)
B.Screw with the general media….which Murray loves to do

Did anyone ever stop to think that Bill is just playing with everybody? That a movie is in progress but he just likes to mess around because it's that playfulness that made us love his characters in the first place?

Yes, the man is a walking contradiction….but it's Bill Murray. When has he ever taking something seriously? Never! Not in any movie(ok, he was serious in one movie…and it bombed).

I think Bill is just playing everyone. Which is classic Bill and would make him an excellent addition to GB3. If he got the heart to screw with you then he's back in classic form.

That's what I wish to hear and personal opinion too…