Murray On Letterman tonight - GB3 Clip

by ectobc

15 years ago

CBS just posted the clip where he talks about GB3.

GB3 CBS Video

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years ago

Not the most encouraging, but this has been his position from the beginning.

by doctorvenkman1

15 years ago

Honestly, I'm encouraged. And solely by the second part. Bill really does love this franchise. He just wants to see good things happen for it. I would almost be willing to bet that Bill will change his mind about being killed off as the whole thing comes closer and closer together. He even said himself he enjoyed being Venkman again for the video game and how much fun it was, and the whole story about singing the theme song… It really brings a smile to my face.

by EgonSpengler86

15 years ago

It's obvious that Murray doesn't want to do a Ghostbusters 3. Otherwise he wouldn't want to have his character get killed off at the beginning.

by batman2

15 years ago

Love the bit where Letterman asks Bill there was a Ghostbusters 2, to which Bill did not really want to be associated to that film, nice to know I was not the only person who thought GBII was way below par.

by ectoplastic

15 years ago

I dont really think GB2 did THAT much wrong, perhaps aside from one awful foreign accent, and less jokes, it was what it should have been. Without the massive stand off at the end (statue of liberty) to compare with stay puft, the critics would have been even worse! It just wasnt ‘great’, but compared to alot of comedy movies today, I dont think it fares that bad at all. It had all the key moments from the original, and I thought the main idea of the painting coming to life was a very good one.

When GB3 appears, and if most of the original cast are definately included, I doubt they will be the main cast or even in it for much of its duration. Its obvious from the Letterman interview that Bill Murray just believes the whole thing ran out of ideas aeons ago, but hopefully one energetic, very funny script can help him change his opinion as we get closer to the whole thing taking off. If theres a new cast, personally I would like to see some brand new actors given a chance to shine, instead of who we see constantly on our screens today raking in the cash (will ferrel et al with proton packs, anyone?! lol). If I HAD to choose modern hollywood actors, the only ones I could see being able would surely be ben stiller or owen wilson. I think some of Ben Stillers films are fairly poor, dont get me wrong, but I could definately see him as the “ghostbuster” who is always getting things wrong! I just did a google, and was shocked to find Harold Ramis also considering him in 2005, lol- so you never know

no doubt there are many people who would be very annoyed ..but can anyone think of any modern actors to fit the ghostbuster roles? its unlikely we will get to see the old cast in their late 50s running around with proton packs theres a newer ramis video interview on ghostbusters 3 here, no doubt its been posted before :-
Im struggling to think of any modern “serious” actors to fit the scientific roles, which perhaps is saying something…… (probably that im watching too many comedies!)

christian bale with a proton pack?


by Ponyboy

15 years ago

christian bale with a proton pack?

Oh man. Don't make me vomit.

by Staypuffman

15 years ago

Owen Wilson, Will Ferrel and Christian Bale as Ghostbusters? Are you kidding me? Owen Wilson is a TERRIBLE actor.

Anyways, I was thinking today about what Bill Murray about being killed off early on in the movie. If they did do a 3rd Ghostbusters I think that possibly early on the Ghostbusters will be called to a job where there is a terrible accident injuring everybody and killing Peter making the others realize that they are to old to be Ghostbusting forcing them to hire and train new recruits….

…. I don't know, that's just an idea.

by Ponyboy

15 years ago

I see your point… I feel the only reason there should be new ghostbusters is if the world has become so overrun by ghosts and they're forced to do this.

by ectoplastic

15 years ago

lol. it was just a thought! I couldnt really see them grouped together as a ghost bustin' team .. and im not sure if Christian Bale could really make it as a comedy actor either… although I heard the last Terminator film came very close?

If I had to choose a new comedy cast, and they were much younger.. probably Woody Harrellson and Randy Quaid Much better comedy actors-I could see them running around with Ben Stiller and Jim Carey (lol), if only they didnt age…. I think Harrellson and Quaid are almost as old as the original GB crew, so thats out the window I didnt think choosing modern actors in the 30 to 45 age range for a new group of Ghostbusters would be so difficult …. no matter how much people dont want it, the original Ghostbusters are highly unlikely to be the main cast for GB3, or even in it for very long. Itll be a movie for a new generation, not just a rehash of what came before it. Im pretty sure after seeing the movie, more old GB fans might even start looking back at GB2 as an 80s classic… *ahem*

can anyone really think of any modern actors at all who would suit the part? at all?