I dont really think GB2 did THAT much wrong, perhaps aside from one awful foreign accent, and less jokes, it was what it should have been. Without the massive stand off at the end (statue of liberty) to compare with stay puft, the critics would have been even worse! It just wasnt ‘great’, but compared to alot of comedy movies today, I dont think it fares that bad at all. It had all the key moments from the original, and I thought the main idea of the painting coming to life was a very good one.
When GB3 appears, and if most of the original cast are definately included, I doubt they will be the main cast or even in it for much of its duration. Its obvious from the Letterman interview that Bill Murray just believes the whole thing ran out of ideas aeons ago, but hopefully one energetic, very funny script can help him change his opinion as we get closer to the whole thing taking off. If theres a new cast, personally I would like to see some brand new actors given a chance to shine, instead of who we see constantly on our screens today raking in the cash (will ferrel et al with proton packs, anyone?! lol). If I HAD to choose modern hollywood actors, the only ones I could see being able would surely be ben stiller or owen wilson. I think some of Ben Stillers films are fairly poor, dont get me wrong, but I could definately see him as the “ghostbuster” who is always getting things wrong! I just did a google, and was shocked to find Harold Ramis also considering him in 2005, lol- so you never know
http://www.hollywood.com/news/Ramis_Plans_Ghostbusters_3_with_Stiller_/3467374no doubt there are many people who would be very annoyed

..but can anyone think of any modern actors to fit the ghostbuster roles? its unlikely we will get to see the old cast in their late 50s running around with proton packs

theres a newer ramis video interview on ghostbusters 3 here, no doubt its been posted before :-
http://makingof.com/filming_now/media/ghostbusters-3/harold-ramis-on-ghostbusters-3/63/231Im struggling to think of any modern “serious” actors to fit the scientific roles, which perhaps is saying something…… (probably that im watching too many comedies!)
christian bale with a proton pack?