Murray On Letterman tonight - GB3 Clip

by slimelord1

15 years ago

Bill is way too hard on GB2. It seems the sole reason he doesn't like the film much is simply due to the reception it got compared to the original, which was nowhere near as favorable. I've seen interviews of him on YouTube where he seems happy about the film and is eager for it to be out, it seems he changed his mind after the reception it received. But I know as a whole he doesn't like sequels at all and was very reluctant to even do a GB2 at all in the first place. I guess maybe in recent times he's lightened up on doing a GB3 because he knows everyone's getting older as the years go by and figures it's a now or never deal? Which is something I can understand, it's getting to the point now where a GB3 being made at all is becoming a now or never issue.

by ectoplastic

15 years ago

if i was him and had the time and energy, i would be thinking, sod it, if i like the script then ill do it just for the sheer “fun” of it! i think he may change his mind on the whole deal once he gets a chance to read it, and if he's still good friends with a few of the original cast members, once the ball gets rolling he'll no doubt be convinced by the rest, even if he doesnt need the cash.

If the original cast turn out to be the main cast, ill eat my words! unlikely to ever happen, but when you think about it, its tragic that most actors over the age of 50 are deemed as ‘over the hill’ in the movie world, and that most storylines will never feature an actor in this age range Ive only seen Ramis and Murray so far, ive no idea what level of health the rest are in now, although its not looking good, lol - as ive noticed Dan Akyroyd has set up his own nice wine business (just google up his name, will pop up there somewhere)… Im not sure if Ernie Hudson and the rest of them are still acting?

by slimelord1

15 years ago

Ernie still acts, I see him in a lot of features these days. Ramis seems to mainly direct, while Dan sadly seems to have fallen off the acting radar recently.

by ghostbusters2131

15 years ago

Owen Wilson, Will Ferrel and Christian Bale as Ghostbusters? Are you kidding me? Owen Wilson is a TERRIBLE actor.

Anyways, I was thinking today about what Bill Murray about being killed off early on in the movie. If they did do a 3rd Ghostbusters I think that possibly early on the Ghostbusters will be called to a job where there is a terrible accident injuring everybody and killing Peter making the others realize that they are to old to be Ghostbusting forcing them to hire and train new recruits….

…. I don't know, that's just an idea.

Bad plot for a comedy movie… I think Bill is denying or hating being on GB3 project, cause he´s tired of the same questions ever!! He wanna be asked about other projects, other movies, I know we love him for Ghostbusters, but the man has done other really great movies (Life Aquatic of Steve Zissou, Lost in Translation, Groundhog day, Stripes, etc) but nobody asks about those movies, sequels or upcoming projects!!
For what he said about loving being Peter Venkman once again, I know for sure he loves the GB franchise, and if the GB3 movie is done, he will be there.

by RickyM

15 years ago

Owen Wilson, Will Ferrel and Christian Bale as Ghostbusters? Are you kidding me? Owen Wilson is a TERRIBLE actor.

Anyways, I was thinking today about what Bill Murray about being killed off early on in the movie. If they did do a 3rd Ghostbusters I think that possibly early on the Ghostbusters will be called to a job where there is a terrible accident injuring everybody and killing Peter making the others realize that they are to old to be Ghostbusting forcing them to hire and train new recruits….

…. I don't know, that's just an idea.

i think owen wilson would make a great ghostbuster, if his character is like the one he portrays in the shanghi noon and knights with jackie chan, the good lookin, cocky dude who always wimps out when it comes to confrontations, he'd be great at saying he aint afraid of no ghosts and then seeing one and him scream and run away lmao i think i would deffo like owen wilson to be a ghostbuster, thats just me though

and naaa i dont think that would work, maybe they could make it that bill is clowning around with a dancing toaster or something and it electricutes him lol or maybe mood slime could have something to do with it, or if nothing out of the first 2 are involved, maybe the new villian and plot line will have peter swollowed by a devil woman like a succubus lol that would be funny, but it will be hilarious to see peter as a ghost, he will be getting up to all sorts, and he can also be used to assist the ghostbusters with info from the other side

by theo1361

15 years ago

im getting really sick of this either do it or dont no more maybes. i would accept a no at this point just to put everything to rest

by wwfjph

15 years ago

IMO I think the onle comedy actor I know who could pull off a Ghostbuster roll is Paul Rudd. He isn't favorite by far, but I believe I can see him bring his own unique thing to it and make it great. Also, Woody Harrelson could probably do a decent Ghostbuster. After seeing him in Zombieland and seeing his comedy back in action I think he was great, so maybe he can too. There were also rumors going around with Dan Aykroyd saying he wants one of the Ghostbusters to be a women and thinks Eliza Dushku would be good for it. In my opinion on that… if they really wanted a female on the team, I can't see any other woman doing it. So hey, thats 3 out of 4. Doesn't seem like a bad cast to me if they get them for new Ghostbusters. That's just my thoughts.

Murray on Letterman… I don't see why everyone hates on the GB2. Yes I agree the first one is better, but my favorite scene is the court room. That scene was amazing. But anyways, I agree with an earlier post saying that as it gets closer for GB3 being finalized, Murray will change his mind.

by theo1361

15 years ago

I liked GB2 as much as the first one ya it had a few problems the court sceen was the best but i also like the montoges and winston in the tunnel with the ghost train creeped me out when i was a kid

by PhilHos

15 years ago

Murray on Letterman… I don't see why everyone hates on the GB2. Yes I agree the first one is better, but my favorite scene is the court room. That scene was amazing.

“… under a judicial ‘mistrangement’ order; that blue thing I got from her. They could be exposing themselves.”
“And you don't want us, exposing ourselves.”


by theo1361

15 years ago

Your Honor, ladies and gentleman of the audience, I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Sure, the blackout was a big problem for everybody. I was trapped in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them. Because one time, I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you.

Very good, Louis. Short, but pointless.