Music in the game.

by robertknippels1

15 years, 10 months ago

I've heard they gonna use all of Elmer Bernsteins's score music in the game. I think that is a great idea. Of course they will use Ray Parker jr's song. I am wondering if they will use the dubb version of the extended version for it. I am also wondering if they will use more pop songs. Both ghostbusters movies had score and pop songs ( of course the second movie had more rap ). I also would love to hear savin the day in the game.

I really can't wait to play it.

best regards,


by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

Its going to have a lot of unused stuff from Elmer Bernstein's score in it. And of course they'll use the RPJ song, but you do bring up an interesting point… I think it will probably be a recut or extended version, because they will probably have it over points where there will be dialogue.

I doubt many other songs make it in, though I could be wrong.

by robertknippels1

15 years, 10 months ago

It would be nice if they would mix all those versions a bit. Then we still have the same song but it is a little different and sound new. I also love the first part of the dubb version a lot. I don't know if they also have those montage shots in the game like the montages in the movie. That would also be a great place to put the song. Anyway I am very happy that they are going to bring us a great game.

best regards,


by Andreas

15 years, 10 months ago

Ray Parker Jr. "resang , so the vocal you hear in the videogame is only five or six years old. It's not 25 years old. But you can't tell the difference." source

I also asked someone who has played the game preview regarding the GB2 score but “the score is only from the first one if I heard correctly”. (*winston)

by doctorvenkman1

15 years, 10 months ago

Those interviewers were really annoying and unprofessional. They were like constantly trying to get RPJ to say something rude or ignorant…

Especially the way they were referring to “On Our Own”…

Some neat information in there though, and its odd the way that he was nominated for so much when the movie wasn't.

It would suck if they don't ask him back for Ghostbusters 3. They definitely should, and just this time work out a deal that they'll be happy with. Its not his fault he wrote such a good song that made so much money. Its not like the movie didn't make a lot of money too.

by Ectoman57

15 years, 10 months ago

how bout some barry white, I can always bust to him……dirty lol

by jogi82

15 years, 10 months ago

by markderidder

15 years, 10 months ago

i only hope they have that song!

I agree 100% “cleaning up the town” was the best song on the soundtrack (aside from Elmers music). Classic stuff there.


by robertknippels1

15 years, 10 months ago

I also hope to hear savin the day in the game. It was also one of my favourite songs. yeah the bus boys would also be great…they should use the extended version of cleanin up the town. I thought a lot of people are not too familiar with the extended version of the bus boys cleanin up the town.

Best regards,
