MUST READ! - Calling All Proppers and People Who Sell Stuff for Any Ghostbusters Prop!!!

by ghostbusta27

23 years, 4 months ago

I am in the process of creating a master list of proton pack, pke meter, trap, ecto-goggle, and uniform parts for sale from anyone, and store that people can find easily.
Even if you are selling the most minute ( in your mind ) piece for the proton pack - get to me as fast as you can, because the more, the much merrier we can get.
Write me an email, with your email, the product/products your selling
and for how much, and where you can be located to purchase them. It wiull go on a master list that will be out in a few weeks.


by Ectoman

23 years, 4 months ago

Um.. Ryan.. um.. you may.. want to Click Here

by ghostbusta27

23 years, 4 months ago

That site has nothing on the list I'm creating AJ. It doesn't even have a trap and PKE section, and its been “under construction” way too long.


by sg1star

23 years, 4 months ago

there is a pke section on that site, and the reason y there is nothing under the trap section is becuase no one is selling trap parts so far, his site is basicly kept updated.