Hey hey, look what I did for my 03year old nephew!
Oh man, I don't think he'll ask for anything this Christmas :-)
Ok ok, I admit it, the back pack is a buzzlightyear jet pack, repainted
But the trap and gun were made from nothing.
He will be 4 in May.
He likes to look at the realghostbusters… but grandma made a mistake and put the movie instead of the cartoon one day :-)
When he saw Slimer running at Venkman, he said to his mom:
“Did you see what he did?! He did that (making a horrible face) and he yells like that (screaming like a monster), he is not gentle”
We asked him if he was scared and he said no. Lucky him, we cut the movie before the heavy scenes came. The week after he saw a cartoon with monsters in it (like most of the time). During the evening, he ask his mother to call me, he ask “can you do me a ghost trap to catch ghost?”
It was soo funny the way he said it. But he was anxious like his mother told me. But now, I think he will be no more! AHAH! :-)