19 years, 11 months ago
19 years, 11 months ago
19 years, 11 months ago
-While I understand this is rough and just summarizes the beginning, don't reveal ALL of the story in one scene. . .Ray and Winston don't need to spell out everything that has happened in the last few years. . . they know what has happened, and when they begin to narrate to the audience, it becomes fluffy (a la GB2 after the birthday party, Ray and Winston almost pushed it too far with the whole quick “here's what happened since GB1”). Use action; show how it changed by maybe a radio commercial with Peter for GB Int., Egon saying he's too busy at HQ because he's filling out Nobel forms and is always seen surrounded by books/forms/whatever, etc. If you tell all in the very first scene, people will lose interest in the rest of the movie.
-The boys feeling their age I assume leads into hiring younger members. However, Winston states that ‘busting has become boring and that most the calls end up being something else (such as old ladies and their cats), so I’m thinking why do they need to hire help if nothing is going on for the most part? I'd suggest having the job be even harder than we've seen before. . . perhaps there are less ghosts, but when there are, they are somehow more powerful, and therefore they truly need to hire more help. This is small, but struck me when reading.
All in all a great start and covers subplots nicely.
19 years, 11 months ago
I have a few questions though.
Apart from the original Ghostbusters and Peck, who are the other main characters. Are Dana, Luis, Janine or the Mayor featured in the story?
How do the Ghostbusters overcome their rivals? Does Egon invent some radical kind of new equipment? or maybe the Ghostbusters find out that this new company is just a bunch of conmen who release ghosts in places and charge people to catch them again and then expose them to the public. Maybe Peck enters the Ghostbusters headquarters and secretly tampers with their equpment to cause an accident.
Does slimer make an appearance?
is there a new logo?
New equpment?
New vehicle?
Maybe the Ghostbusters are down to their last pennies and just about to close down and venkman buys a lottery ticket and wins the jackpot. Theres an idea. With this money they redo the whole company from top to bottom.
19 years, 11 months ago
19 years, 11 months ago
19 years, 11 months ago
19 years, 11 months ago
19 years, 10 months ago
19 years, 10 months ago