MY beginning to ghostbusters three

by venky1

19 years, 9 months ago

well its been a while. heres my next installment of the story. enjoy

Next Scene
Busy New York City street is shown. Honks are heard, many more than normal. The cab finally bursts onto the screen with unbelievable speed. It is weaving constantly between the cars and trucks that are basically parked on the road. From the outside of the cab, we see the ghostbusters crammed up against the windows. Carlos and Ray are in the front, while Egon, Louis, and Winston are crammed into the back.
“I never appreciated how uncomfortable these packs were until I had to share a seat with them,” Winston remarks. The car engine revs, speeding them up. They have reached the highway, and swerve less while speeding more.
“Yes I agree. I believe that I will begin refining the proton packs after this job. It seems painfully obvious that we need to update this equipment,” Egon responds.
“Yes, painfully is definitely the word,” Winston says. The car horn beeps twice. They swerve once more, and begin gaining on a familiar-looking hummer.
“Hey guys, look at that. Is that who I think it is?” Louis asks.
“Yes Louis, it’s the Better Busters. Damn, this must be another double call. Let’s just turn around now and save ourselves the embarrassment,” Ray says, defeated. Instead of slowing down or attempting to turn around, the cab speeds up, getting closer to the massive Hummer.
“Looks like the cab has a different idea, man. And when your in the cab, you do what it wants,” Carlos tells him. Peck leans over to look out the window and is surprised to see the ghostbusters in a taxi. He quickly begins laughing, but Carlos sees this and gives him the finger. He takes it down, remembering his place, “We don’t like him right?” Ray shakes his head and is going to answer, but the car swerves and almost hits the Hummer.
“What the hell?” the five men exclaim. They all realize how much they over-reacted at that point and look down at the ground.
“Ray, before the next time we take this thing out, let’s strap some wings on it. Less traffic up there,” Winston suggests. The cab swerves once more, this time getting even closer to the hummer. Peck’s face is in the window, staring at the men as if they are insane. Finally, the hummer slows down, and is lost in the traffic behind them.
“It appears as though they’ve reconsidered their priorities,” observes Egon. The horn honks twice.
“Alright! This town is ours again!” exclaims Winston.
“Not yet it isn’t. We still need to actually bust this ghost to prove our worth. And, as of late, that has been a problem,” explains Egon.
“Speaking of that,” Ray takes over the conversation, “would you like to help us on this one, Carlos?”
“Yea, I mean you might as well take my proton too, right pal?” Winston jokes.
Carlos laughs nervously, “Uhhh, I don’t know if I should do that. Maybe I could just hang in the back and watch. I’d probably only get in the way.”
Egon leans forward, “He’s right, you know.”
“Alright fine, this will be an educational bust then. Just watch what we do very carefully. (whispers) Except for Louis,” Ray tells Carlos.
“And try to remember, the streams shot from the proton wands can capture ghosts, which are intangible objects. As you try to comprehend the damage they can inflict one the human body, keep out of their way,” Egon advises. Carlos turns around to face front, eyes wide with terror. Louis had been listening to the conversation as well, and turned to face his window with the same face. The rest of the ride is silent.

by missygirl8520001

19 years, 9 months ago

It's pretty good so far. Keep up the good work! (*ray)

by gbusterchick68841

19 years, 9 months ago

Oooooo….Very nice…I seem to like that scene…keep up the great work!

by niewi24

19 years, 9 months ago

Venky, your writing is outstanding. I think your ideas are outstanding. Keep up the good work.

by matthew1

19 years, 8 months ago

Hi there venky. Its been a while. Love the script so far. I'm about 30 pages and a few minor script changes away from finishing mine. I'll send it to you when I'm done if you like. i'd love to read a full vesion of your's. It'll be interesting comparing their similarities and differences.


by Mr.Sta-Puft

19 years, 8 months ago

i am really amazed you should finish this script and try to send it to Dan or Harold or even Ivan and see if they would do it

by matthew1

19 years, 8 months ago

Thats a good point.

Does anyone out there know where I could get a mailing address for either Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, Ivan Reitman or even Joe Medjuck in order to send in a script?

I may even keep sending them in until they're so fed up they go ahead and make it just to shut me up.

by Mr.Sta-Puft

19 years, 8 months ago

ok head over to GBI and go to franchises, then under NYC find Ghostbusters: NYC aka fRANCHISE 0, click the pic, scroll down and right above the WE ACCEPT sign for credit cards their is an email adress to contanct them if you need further help PM me
EDIT: im not sure if that will help but thats the closest thing i could find

by matthew1

19 years, 8 months ago

Much appreciated Stay puft.

I may however only send the script after it has been viewed on this website. I want to know what you and the other fans think of it before I send it in the post (if I manage to gain a postal address).

If I get good feedback from most of the fans I'll send it. Personally I'm really pleased with it but I never judge my own work.

It'll probably be another two weeks before post it on the web site.


by venky1

19 years, 8 months ago

matthew id love to see your script when you've finished. my email is and thanks for the compliments on mine. school just ended last week for me, so ill be workiong a lot more on my story line. i dont know about putting it into a script tho, im not experienced at all with it.

and i also appreciate your comments, mr. sta-puft. i am actually on the waiting list for the make-a-wish foundation, and my wish is to meet dan himself and spend a day or so with him. i was planning on showing him my ideas at that meeting. and matthew, i would be glad to show him your ideas as well.