MY beginning to ghostbusters three

by fusi0n1

17 years, 7 months ago

You know what idea I've had twirling around in my noggin for a while?

Is that after a lot of time has passed since GB (not too sure how much time has transpired since the events of GB2), but have the mayor… NOT the mayor. He is no longer the mayor, and the Ghostbusters have to get him back into power so he can abolish some laws against them being Ghostbusters again.

Could add a nice subplot. I dunno, guess it still needs some tweaking…

by Kingpin

17 years, 7 months ago

You know what idea I've had twirling around in my noggin for a while?

Is that after a lot of time has passed since GB (not too sure how much time has transpired since the events of GB2), but have the mayor… NOT the mayor. He is no longer the mayor, and the Ghostbusters have to get him back into power so he can abolish some laws against them being Ghostbusters again.

Could add a nice subplot. I dunno, guess it still needs some tweaking…

Intriguing idea Fusion… it'd have to be done right so it wasn't too much like Ghostbusters: The Return.

by venky1

17 years, 7 months ago

yea thats a very interesting idea. i think i'd like that as a full plot as opposed to a subplot. with a little work that could be great

by mdp872105

17 years, 6 months ago

I had an idea that fuses together many of idea listed on and off this forum i think would reinvent yet still hold true to the Ghostbusters feel.

I think that the opening scene should have the original Ghostbusters on a routine call they show up talking about the bust there about to go on. What class it, strategies, etc… also comparing there plan to old bust for reference making it sound more and more routine. They show up at the location getting there gear out and complaining how it seems like it's getting heavier and heavier each time. They go into the build and talk to the owner and give a speech about insurance and how their liable for damages incurred during the busting of the ghost making it sound like a regular business contract.

As they go up the elevator they talk about different things to show how there lives have change in the past several years. Ray asks Venkman how Oscar doing (hinting to the audience that venkman and Dana got together)

The reach the floor and split up into two groups to find the ghost they find it floating near the water fountain drinking slime dripping everywhere. Winston signals his partner that he found the ghost. Ray then radios the others to his location. The four the surround the ghost and begin to do battle the battle commence much like the ghost battle in gb1&2 after the short battle every thing is calm and the guys congratulate each other and make comments about the fight and as the team start to walk out the door. Venkman suddenly stops and go pale and grasps at his chest and collapse to the ground the other Ghostbusters rush to there fallen comrade and as the camera pans away the ray raises hand and yells for someone to call 911.

Right afterwards the screen goes black and has the new Ghostbusters logo pop up. With a more modern sounding version of the Ghostbusters theme song. Then the screen flash to different piece of merchandise in a car as a guy in a low voice sings with the Ghostbusters theme song. At then it shows a close up on the car door being open and a figure getting out and walking away. shuts the door a show a old Ghostbusters symbol chipped ruined on a old car.

The story from this point is going to be about Oscar (the baby from gb2) trying to follow in his father foot steps and try to rebuild the failing Ghostbusters inc and trying to find a new team for the next Generation for Ghostbusters. (*egon) (*ray) (*peter) (*winston)

by venky1

16 years, 11 months ago

i like the idea, but i think that the original ghostbusters theme should be played in the introduction to the movie. but there should be an updated version in the movie as well.
and as for the oscar storyline, i somewhat have that happening in mine, but it doesnt feel like a strong enough plot to carry a movie, and it would most likely end up following the same plot as the first two movies, which is a problem.
anyway, i've finished the second act of my gb3 story, and here it is:
enjoy! let me know what you think

by venky1

16 years, 7 months ago

i wonder if dan took a peak at my fanfic…..
bringing peck back in a different role, sounds familiar hah. anyway i have a feeling this story is gunna be good