my completed pack and trap! (pic heavy)

by ZetaOtaku

18 years, 4 months ago

Hey all, just wanted to show off some of my gear. The proton pack and trap were both bought, but I did some heavy modifications to the electronics.

Here are some pics:

In these first 3, you can see the trap under construction and the pack ready for some repairs.

Sadly, I didn't take any in progress pics, but here's the completed work. The trap has working doors and lights. Nothing fancy, they're all static. The front status bar lights up as does the power light by the switch and a small power LED on the foot pedal. The pack itself has the usual, cyclotron and blue bar that all cycle. The gun has a red power light as well as a yellow grill light. The tip lights up when you hit a thumb trigger near the front of the gun and also has a vibration motor you can toggle on and off.

I should have more pics soon as wells as some movies showing off the lights and the trap doors. Eventually I want to get the inner trap lit up nice and bright when the doors are open.

by imported_Ghoulishfright

18 years, 4 months ago

Very very nice looking! I wish I had the tools to do all that… You should put it on for us. I wanna see the man behind the camera…

by ZetaOtaku

18 years, 4 months ago

heh, sure thing, but I'm just waiting for two peices to come through for the jumpsuit. when those come in, I'll totally take some new pics. I have some already, but they're from last year and I look TERRIBLE. I walked up 5 flights of stairs wearing that pack. It isn't light. 50 pounds at least. Yeah, I decided to use wood and metal, and as we all know, they'er the lightest things on Earth!

I'll actually have a quick movie posted at some point showing off the trap and pack. I tell ya, I haven't had this much fun with Ghostbusters stuff since I had the Kenner roleplay pack and trap when I was a kid. Nothing more fun then stepping on the trap pedal and seeing the doors open ^_^

by fomeboy

18 years, 4 months ago

very nice

by spengs1

18 years, 4 months ago

Your pack looks excellent and your trap, even incomplete looks great. Do you have your GB costume put together yet?

by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 4 months ago

Nice pack, is also the first one I ever saw with remote control. lol
Can you use the ghost trap with that remote too. lol
Would be a lot easier to bust ghosts. lol

by fomeboy

18 years, 4 months ago

Nice pack, is also the first one I ever saw with remote control. lol
Can you use the ghost trap with that remote too. lol
Would be a lot easier to bust ghosts. lol


that's a digital cable box controller… don't think it's for the Proton Pack lol


by Gh0stbuster

18 years, 4 months ago

that's a digital cable box controller… don't think it's for the Proton Pack lol:p

D'oh, I didn't knew that. lol

Hé, no proton pack or trap activity. lol

by fomeboy

18 years, 4 months ago


by Kingpin

18 years, 4 months ago

The Proton Pack and Trap are both pretty nice pieces, how many replicas have you built before these?