My custom Ghostbusters boardgame

by JeffB

16 years ago

Greetings all!

I'm new to the message boards, but I've done my research (as best I can) and there doesn't seem to be any posts/threads on custom Ghostbuster boardgames. :-O

As much as I loved the 3-D game from my childhood, it was lacking in the replay department. 28 years later, my knowledge and love of GB's continues. I've started a blog to track my progress and more importantly get input from you, the fans, about how to make a great Ghostbusters game.

Sadly, I'm not a publisher/game developer. I won't have the latest gossip on Ghostbusters 3, but I hope that doesn't stop you from taking a look every now and then….constructive criticism is welcome, illegible rants are not.


by Nix

15 years, 12 months ago

Awesome work! And I notice you're using the too-cute-for-words happy meal Slimer (the one on the Firehouse pencil-topper)!

Are they still making the “Ghost Hunter” Horrorclix figures?

by JeffB

15 years, 12 months ago

Sadly, no. They aren't making any more Horrorclix or Heroclix for that matter. The company Wizkids decided to pull the plug, word on the web is that another vendor may pick it up again. I guess I'll have to stick with Ebay for any further figs.

Yeah, I was really lucky to find that Slimer pencil topper in a box of junk at a friends house. It would've made it to their garage sale otherwise.

I'm waiting for The Real Ghostbusters Board Game (not the 3-D version) to arrive in the mail- then I'll decide whether or not to use the existing clix I have, or make my own character pawns, or both. A few good screen grabs and some thick cardstock and I'll be in business. Until then, I have a mock-up of the my game on a Clue board with the center square as the fire station. I should have a picture of that up this weekend on my blog. Stay tuned….

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 12 months ago

Interesting. I had an idea for a board game once, but it was pretty much a rendition of the old David Crane Ghostbusters Game lol. I've help quiet a bit in a few fan games, a Ghostbusters Card Game where I helpd design a few of the cards. The project didn't go very far though unfortunately.

Maybe you can have printed character figures, like papercraft versions of the Ghostbusters so people don't have to go looking for those miniature figures.

Any chance of explaining the game mechanics?

by JeffB

15 years, 12 months ago

Nice work!

I also had played around with a card game, but it was converting the old Marvel Overpower card game into a dice game. I have all the scans of the cards, it's just finding the time to do it. I'd much rather put that effort into Ghostbusters.


The tokens from the game I ordered are the standard fare- heavy stock with the colored peg feet. The characters themselves are outlined in a thick white stroke. Papercraft—hmm, that's an idea…

The rules are a work in progress. Basically each player selects a Ghostbuster and ventures out into the city to capture the ghosts. Players use the PKE meter to determine if there is a threat and how high the danger level of each is. Rolling proton pack dice against a ‘slime’ dice determines if a) the ghost is entangled b) if the ghost slimes them and c) whether or not they can be trapped or escapes. Each player is alloted a certain number of traps both on their persons and spares from the Ecto-1. At some point they must return to the fire house to drop off their traps and obtain new ones or shower to remove the slime. Janine and Slimer also play a role- possibly hostages/helpers/distractions?? Once all 13 ghosts are trapped, Stay Puft is released and you band together to stop him.

That's all I have for now…

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

Just received The Real Ghostbusters The Game today from Ebay. Up until a few weeks ago and some searching on, I didn't even know it existed! Made by TrioToys & Paradigm in 1989, it may have only been available in England. Looks like we got the shaft with the 3-d knockoff, but at least we still had a GB game at the time.

I'm thinking of incorporating the pawns into my custom game along with some of the ‘action cards’. I took some pictures of the game below along with the horrorclix figures I've been saving for the game. Take a look…

by Bativac

15 years, 11 months ago

What a cool game! I like the Ecto-1A you're using, what is that exactly?

I really like the idea of using “Clue” as the basis. The layout reminds me of the old NES game.

I have the 3D Real Ghostbusters game and it's awesome.

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago


The Ecto-1 is an Ertl miniature (matchbox style) car. I also purchased it on ebay, but didn't realize it was the lime green color once I got it. Helps to read the fine print….along with an accurate photo too. I may repaint it.

Clue wasn't my first choice. I planned on using the tiles from the game Betrayal at House on the Hill, but didn't want to have the game last forever or turn into an RPG of sorts.

I love the idea of the city map, being called from job to job rather than going from room to room in one BIG mansion. I wanted to incorporate the Stay Puft, Ecto-1, AND the firehouse into the game- as much as the mythology as I could- it just wouldn't work for BAHOTH.

I owned the 3-D game back when I was kid- we played that game until it broke. I wanted to capture that excitement again in my game, even if it is only played by a few of my friends. At least I can share the development on this forum as well as my blog I've started up: Ghostblogger.
End shameless plug. (*winston)

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

Whoops. I think I answer your question wrong regarding the car. The Ecto-1 card came with the game. It's used to move faster around the board, doubling your speed.

I did take a picture of the toy car I had mentioned but didn't post it. This should clear things up…..:-)

by Nix

15 years, 11 months ago

That is the Johnny Lightning car you have there. I don't know if ERTL and JL were one and the same at some point. I only make this clear because I thought you were talking about the ECTO-1A that was available in ‘89 as a mail-in premium from Fujifilm.

By the way, if you know where to look, and you’re significantly lucky, you'll be able to find a white ECTO-1A somewhere. They made the cars in–silver (which I own), gold, white, and that bluish-green color you have there.