My custom Ghostbusters boardgame

by ghstbstrlmliii1

15 years, 11 months ago

That is the Johnny Lightning car you have there. I don't know if ERTL and JL were one and the same at some point. I only make this clear because I thought you were talking about the ECTO-1A that was available in ‘89 as a mail-in premium from Fujifilm.

By the way, if you know where to look, and you’re significantly lucky, you'll be able to find a white ECTO-1A somewhere. They made the cars in–silver (which I own), gold, white, and that bluish-green color you have there.

Right. I searched high and low to finally complete that collection. There was:

Collector's Edition: White
Series 1: Blue/Green
Series 2: Silver
Series 3: Yellow
Series 4: Gold
Special Halloween Edition: White with orange wheels, said “Halloween '98” on the hood.
(First 500 made with orange writing, rest made
with black writing)
Re-release of White on Reg JL background
Re-release of White on special GB background
JL 10th anniversary edition with special tires
GB - 2 car diarama with Wite ecto 1A, a police car, and 4 mini ghostbusters

You could probably pick up an open used white one on ebay pretty cheap.

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

Wow, you guys really know your Ecto's.

I spotted a few on Ebay…but I also spotted a few Horrorclix I've been wanting as well. I'm sure if I meticulously tape up the Ecto-1, I'll be able to give it a new paint job. Any particular paint you suggest? I have some DecoArt acryllic paint that I used on the horroclix figs that should work.

As for the GB's pawns, it's still a toss up of 2-D vs. 3-D. I have the four ghost hunter clix I could customize with super sculpy, but I've never used the stuff. Advice?
I'm a better painter than a sculptor. On the other hand, I have the 2-D game pieces along with a (*janine). Would it look odd to have all 3-D monsters and 2-d heroes?

I was toying around with the ghost card layout today too. No stats yet, just getting the feel down…not sure I like the brick. What do you think?

by Nix

15 years, 11 months ago

Try going to Games Workshop (if you have one near you) or, failing that, any local RPG dealer, and look for something called Greenstuff. Apparently it's much more versatile than Sculpey, and most RGB/Doctor Who action figure customizers swear by it.

Dreamstalker recently sent me some when I announced my intention to work on a Santa Claus custom using a S1 Ray Stantz as the base figure.

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 11 months ago

Jeff B;134187
Wow, you guys really know your Ecto's.

I spotted a few on Ebay…but I also spotted a few Horrorclix I've been wanting as well. I'm sure if I meticulously tape up the Ecto-1, I'll be able to give it a new paint job. Any particular paint you suggest? I have some DecoArt acryllic paint that I used on the horroclix figs that should work.

As for the GB's pawns, it's still a toss up of 2-D vs. 3-D. I have the four ghost hunter clix I could customize with super sculpy, but I've never used the stuff. Advice?
I'm a better painter than a sculptor. On the other hand, I have the 2-D game pieces along with a (*janine). Would it look odd to have all 3-D monsters and 2-d heroes?

I was toying around with the ghost card layout today too. No stats yet, just getting the feel down…not sure I like the brick. What do you think?

One little thing I suggest edit is the picture of boogyman. Use level filters in photoshop and get rid of the white fog on it. other than that, damn good!

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago


The bogey man image was just a straight up screen grab- no filters. I've been playing around with the colored pencil filter in photoshop to get the appearance of a comic book with a little grit thrown in. I was just going to use ‘live trace’ in illustrator, but found this effect works just fine. I still might, n/s. Take a look at the ‘before & after’ below.

I've also settled on the figure debate. I'm going with 3-D pawns. I found a seller on ebay with great prices on horrorclix. I'm working on making a custom Sauheuim/Samhain (?) pawn right now…. My plan is to stick to characters from specific episodes I loved as a kid- the ghosts that stood out in my mind as just plain cool- along with some odd ones thrown in.

More to come! Stick around.

by Nix

15 years, 11 months ago

Hey, guys, what's that thing from Death Note who looks like RGB's Boogeyman called? I saw a miniature plush keychain figure of him at an anime store and you could possibly use that as your Boogeyman.

EDIT: Found him on Wikipedia. His name is Ryuk.

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

I've never heard of that before. One of the clix I picked up was an actual boogieman despite it not looking like the RGB version- it has a great sculpt.

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

Here's the Sauheim/Samheim custom I finished up last night, along with a few others on top of the firehouse dvd box. I love how it turned out. Next up, the GB's proton packs! I picked up some Sculpy 3 along with some carving tools at the local Hobby Lobby to get started.

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

Just finished my PKE meter game card. This card will be used after rolling a six sided die with +,–,and blank faces representing the needle on the PKE reading high, medium, and low level ghosts. The back of the card will look similar but with an image of the ghost in place of the pixelated one. There will also be a computer scroll-like window with info about the ghost in place of the buttons- like a PDA/iPhone/etc. How am I doing so far?

by Ghostbuster-Adem

15 years, 11 months ago

So far your doing Awsome Jeff! Love the work man, and I can tell your putting alot of effort into this project. The PKE Card is looking amazing and just all around I think your doing fantastic! I also check out your Blog, and im mighty impressed with the detail your putting towards it for the fans! Keep up the great work dude!