My custom Ghostbusters boardgame

by solidassnake1

15 years, 11 months ago

Why not try using the Ghostbuster RPG rules or style? If the rules for the RPG fused with this somehow, it could be really good.

Also, instead of focusing on using the board from Clue that seems similar to the NES game, there could be some other alternatives to the board, such as in the style of Zombies!!! where you make the map as you go along. In this instance, if you were to adapt it to Ghostbusters, each map tile could act as a job to tackle, with each one ranging in difficulty and money.

And I have over 700 heroclix collecting dust. You need any for the project? You got it!

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

I've never seen the Ghostbusters RPG before. Is it similar to TMNT or the old Marvel RPG's? I must have missed that one.

Zombies!!! is a great idea. Hadn't even considered that one. I own three of the eight versions- zombies!!! (1st ed with the lame art) (*egon), mall walkers, and Humans!!!

I started making the transition from Clue to Zombies!!!. I think if I used the main buildings (the tiles with Z,L,B in the corners) for the ‘boss ghosts’ like Sandman, Scolari Bros, etc., and using ghosts in place of zombies, I'd be all set. In addition, the letters would be replaced as G (ghosts) L (life) and P (proton charge). Each time you battle a ghost your proton gun needs a charge. If you have no charge, ghosts will slime you and you lose a turn. The Helipad could be replaced with the firehouse or maybe keep the HQ as the center tile?? The wheels are in motion on this….Thanks for planting the seed.

700 Heroclix?! :-O
Wow. Do you have specific ones you are looking to get rid of or the whole lot? I'll gladly take them off your hands! Do you have any horrorclix or just heroclix?

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 11 months ago

Jeff B;134743
I've never seen the Ghostbusters RPG before. Is it similar to TMNT or the old Marvel RPG's? I must have missed that one.

It's much more simpler than those two, although they are already pretty simple, Ghostbusters is so simple, it's almost laughable on how easy it is to learn. You can download all the components to the set here (courtesy of me for scanning them lol)

You really only need to read the training manual for the basic play of the game Training Manual. Or, just Reference File A, as it sums it up pretty quickly.

Enjoy! The cards and everything are looking great! Although the ghost on the PKE meter is at an angle (yeah, I know it's from the toy lol). Good luck!

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

I love the internet! Anything you could possibly want, available at your fingertips…with helpful people to share.

I'll have to give that a complete read through later, but it'll help in the gameplay development. I have almost all the components I need now except for the rules. I've been putting that off for too long- now to get started. I need to research the class levels I saw listed there as well- or go back and watch the episode for reference. Thanks so much!

Awesome job on the Paper Proton Pack! That'll save me from high ebay costs. Now to just find some heavy cardstock…..

by SpikeGhostHunter

15 years, 11 months ago

Looks awesome dude!

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 11 months ago

Jeff B;134751
Awesome job on the Paper Proton Pack! That'll save me from high ebay costs. Now to just find some heavy cardstock…..

Thanks! I worked hard on it! Still not completely done though, adding stuff here and there lol.

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

I would have posted more lately, but I've been sick
I'm better now- and will continue to post updates to this forum. I've official switched over to the Zombies!!! tiles instead of the Clue game board.

I'm working on the Ghostbuster character cards (used to keep track of slime tokens, proton charge, etc.) and should have that posted before the weekend. It'll be similar to the PKE card I posted earlier.

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

Here's my character card I've developed for each player in my Ghostbuster game. Movement is represent by footstep icons- when attacked and slimed by ghosts, you'll place a slime token on top of this space. With each space that is covered, the slower your GB moves on the board. When all six spaces are filled you must be rescued by another GB, or lose a turn and regain full movement next turn. The proton charge represents how full your proton pack energy level is. Beads will be placed on top of these boxes to show energy levels- red (low), yellow (medium), and green (high). Ghosts you encounter on the streets take little energy to dispose of, while boss ghosts (located indoors like the Library Ghost) require a full proton charge. Charges (beads) can be found inside buildings or sitting out a turn to recharge (haven't decided yet). The bottom box is the most obvious, the containment unit. It can hold up to six ghosts before needing to be transferred to the larger containment unit back at the firehouse. Still wondering how to fit this into the game. Backtracking across the board could get old fast….maybe Ecto-1 would work better? Last, the character bio represents their ability to do certain tasks on the board and areas of expertise per each Ghostbuster- I picked this up from the RGB RPG and it needs some tweaking to play right. More on the way!

Happy Valentines Day! (*janine)(*egon)

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 11 months ago

Looks great! Should be interesting to see how you're gonna use the RPG rules in the game.

by solidassnake1

15 years, 11 months ago

I'm glad my suggestions helped. For awhile now I've been dying to do something similar to your project right now, but due to time, I haven't anything committed.

So when it comes to Heroclix (and unfortunately I don't have any Horrorclix), take a look on the Heroclix website and if you see any you like to modify, let me know cause I should have it.

I really like the concept of Ghostbusters being incapacitated with slime tokens, that's a great touch. As for running back to the firehouse each time when capturing ghosts, its not a bad idea but I have a few ideas how it could work:

1. Instead of running all the way back, you could just take your movement turn to instantly go back to the firehouse. This way, it'll prevent the annoyance of running back and forth.

2. You could possibly have trap tokens. Each token represents one trap and you could either collect them via cards or however you'd prefer. This way, if I have 6 trap tokens, I can continue my busting rampage and then worry about dropping it off at the firehouse. It would also work in addition to the 6 spots you have on the cards.

Of course its really up to you as to your decesion, but I love the progress that this is making and when this is done, I'm looking forward to bustin' some heads, .