My custom Ghostbusters boardgame

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

Thanks for the feedback!

I posted some new item cards on my blog:

When did you stop collecting Heroclix? Or are you still collecting, but just haven't played in awhile? I like a lot of the new sculpts but it's hard to narrow down once I realized how many sets they released.

If you have them I'd like the following:
Anarchy, Sabbac, Plasmus, and Mad Hatter from the DC Arkham Asylum (last set) and the Cuckoo from Marvel's Mutant and Monsters set. I think she'd make a cool Janine.

Also if you have any policemen/women (Gotham City PD would be great) I'm thinking of incorporating them into the game as well.

by solidassnake1

15 years, 11 months ago

Out of all the ones you said, I do have Gotham Policeman.

I also have Kree Warrior and U-Men, both of which have packs on their backs, so both would be easy to mod, especially Kree Warrior. This way too, characters would have different poses instead of just using 4 ghosthunter poses from Horrorclix. Also, T.O. Morrow from DC Hypertime I always thought would make a great Egon, so if needed I have him.

If you wanna throw in police officers, I do have SWAT team people as well, and if you wanna be really fancy, I'm sure I can find someone that can be modded into Walter Peck. Nothing like having EPA chase you down!

I haven't noticed many ghost-like figures, but if you wanna take a look on the clix sites, I have DC sets up till Icons, Marvel sets up to Fantastic Forces, and the first Indy set.

Look forward to seeing this come about!

by solidassnake1

15 years, 11 months ago

I just remembered I do have a Ghost Rider that could be used as the Headless Motorcyclist. I could also grab the head of black knight to use as the helmet. Both are from the Fantastic Forces set.

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

Ok- I've looked through the site. Here's my list:

Mutant Mayhem: Bastion, N'astirh, Shadow King, U-Men
Ultimates: Goblin Queen
Critical Mass: Kree Warrior
Xplosion: Con Artist (a good Janine I think)
Clobberin' Time: Nightcrawler, Six armed Spiderman (I could never find these- just wanted for Heroclix games (:
Infinity Challenge: Nightmare

Indy Set: Angelus, Hecate, Stix

DC Unleased: Gotham Undercover (Walter Peck?) Killer Frost, Metallo, Mr. Bones
Legacy: Obsidian, Promethus
Cosmic Justice: Furry, Mordu, Lady Shiva

Did you say you have the Fantastic Forces Set as well?

by JasonLudy

15 years, 11 months ago

I gotta say, as a board game/GB lover, I think you're ideas are great!! I STILL play the old RGB board game (with the 4 rooms an' all) to this day! lol

by Nix

15 years, 11 months ago

I would too, if the pieces weren't all broken.

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

I hated setting that game up though. My cousin's version was permanently left up for that reason. (:
Play tested my game today with a pal. Good input- helped me sort a lot of things out. More here.

by PeterVenkmen

15 years, 11 months ago

Nice! I wounder though, are you only using existing game boards and pieces to play the game? Cause I have to say, that's very limiting in terms of creativity, or availability because what if the no one can get the certain games pieces?

by JeffB

15 years, 11 months ago

Yes, I'm using pieces from other games (the board is from Zombies!!! by Twilight Creations and the figures are from Wizkid's Horrorclix. I wanted to use what I have rather than buying half of the local hobby store. I've gone way over my head with things like this before. This is purely for my own enjoyment. I know this won't get picked up by a game developer. I'm not in it for the profit. I'm in it for me….and, to get the occasional “that's cool” from you, the fans. That's all.

As for the creativity aspect, I don't think I'm limiting myself at all. I created all the graphics (albeit the screenshots of course) for the images I've previously posted. It's my take on a Real Ghostbusters board game I felt I was missing from my youth- nothing official, just fan made.

I'm using aspects I enjoy from several games I've played and making the transition to the Ghostbusters mythology. I'm not saying my ideas have never been seen before or that they are the best. They're not. (: Once all is said and done and you feel the need to copy or wish to emulate it by any means, be my guest. I don't have a problem with that. I'd be quite flattered actually.

I was planning to post my rules and game card pdfs on this site when I'm finished.

by devilmanozzy1

15 years, 11 months ago

Samhain and Peters Cards are looking good, I however think a different pic of the interface of the PKE meter should be done. Anyways good work!