I wanted to say “Thank you” to all the very kind words and well wishes. Ultimately, I'd like to forward this to my Dad so he can see that people all over the world are rooting for him. I just want him to stay strong right now, and things like this are bringing a smile to his face.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time that I have had to face lung cancer. 12 years ago, back in 1996, my Mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. She passed away six weeks later. It doesn't give you a lot of time to put the matter in perspective, and now I have to face the same demon again with my Father who is now in for the fight of his life.
I don't have any great speeches to give or words to impart that will carry around profound meaning right now. I feel too numb for that, and I need to save my energy to be there for him. I just want to be there for him.
The only thing I can and will ask of any of you is to please keep sending positive thoughts out for Jim Chapman. He's a very good man, and while he is working towards a cure, I want to believe right now that a bunch of people sending good energy his way will help him too. Friday, we find out what stage his cancer is in, and what our options are.
I am dealing with this right now as best I can. I am letting the shock of the announcement keep me moving on, because I have to.
Thank you again for all the kind words. Even though I don't know many of you, or you me, it means a lot to me to see that people can care about what may be a stranger to you, but is a hero to me.
I'll keep those interested updated. Feel free to PM me, if you wish.