My Dad Has Passed Today: 2/26/08

by sinister1

17 years, 1 month ago

Peter Venkmen
Cancer can't be cured, right? It can be treated to pro-long the persons life but getting rid of it completely can't be done if I remeber correctly.

At any rate, I'm sorry about your situation.

It's about the technical definition of cure. There is no CURE for Cancer, but cancer can be treated in a manner that leaves no trace left, but that's due to a treatment process as opposed to an individual cure.

So with todays medicine, it is possible to remove all traces of cancer from an individual.

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

I'll rephrase:

GuyCC, I hope your father's Lung Cancer is treatable… and they're able to do their best to help him get through this difficult period.

by GuyCC

17 years, 1 month ago

We heard the final word about my Dad today.

He has Stage IV cancer, which is the worst type of cancer.

They can treat it, but it's so advanced, that they can't cure it.

He starts chemotherapy in two weeks.

Between the chemo and if we're really really lucky, he may be around for about a year.

No matter what happens, we're going to make the most of this time we've been given.

If you want to do something for him, keep him in your thoughts.

If you want to do something for me, be strong for me. I'm going to be too busy being strong for my Dad.

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 1 month ago

I am sorry to hear that.

May your time with your father be filled with love and happiness.

by sinister1

17 years, 1 month ago

This is going to sound lame but here we go.

The most important thing for you and your father to do is remain hopeful and stay strong. There have been numerous cases where Doctors have said “one year left” and because of the individual's desire to survive they've lasted almost a decade, in good health, not a bed ridden state. Doctors HAVE to give the worst case scenario, but that doesn't mean you have to accept it. Just don't give in to the idea of death and stay fighting constantly.

My thoughts are with you both.

by doe_ray_egon1

17 years, 1 month ago

My wishes and heart go out to your family CC, I know how that is really my mother has 3 types of cancer hence why I'm an ***-hole most of the time, and I lost my grandpa to cancer as well. so best wishes and may your life be filled with love, honor and happiness..

by GuyCC

17 years, 1 month ago

The update for my Dad has not been very good.

It's gone so much father than his lungs.

It's in his bones. His skull. His spine. His pancreas.

My Dad has full body cancer. Head to toe. The only place it hasn't spread to is his brain.

And they're stunned that he can still walk. Go to restaurants. Drive a car. They don't know why he's still moving around and yet is feeling no pain.

They want to try to submit him to this experimental cure. There's a 50/50 chance he gets chosen. So pray. Hope. Wish. Whatever it is you do, just want him there. Hope he gets selected.

He said he's still going to fight. He's not giving up. The only regret, he said, is the limited time he has left with his children and grandchildren.

But he said that he's going to make every single minute of that count.

I know people had asked for for progress updates, and this is where we are now. Time has become all the more precious, and I am flying home next week to spend time with him. If all goes well, in a few weeks after chemo, he'll be coming out to see me. And if we make it that far, then we just go one more day, every single day.

Understandably, I am heartbroken right now.

by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

Evidently a case of one day at a time…

Sorry to hear for the turn for the worse, but I hope your father's will helps carry him on and through a lot of what's to come…

I hope you, your family and Father are able to have some new great times despite the overhanging threat. Goodluck and Godspeed.

by pantshater24

17 years, 1 month ago

ya man i'll keep you and your dad in my thoughts. make sure he enjoys this time as much as he possibly can.

by robbritton

17 years, 1 month ago

fingers crossed he gets chosen and that the thing works as it should.

All the best CC, it's a terrible thing to be visited upon anyone so I wish for only happy outcomes for you.