My Dad Has Passed Today: 2/26/08

by sinister1

17 years, 1 month ago

All I can say is “best wishes”.

I really hope things work out.

by inebriantia

17 years, 1 month ago

My thoughts are with you and your family hang in there. Cancer is bad in my family I've had 2 immediate family members die, and my uncle is currently battling it.

The biggest thing I can tell you is not to let it drag you down, the most important thing for you and your dad is to enjoy life as much as possible. My uncle chose not to do a bunch of chemo and surguries and to just enjoy life. This way if things didn't go well, he didn't miss out on what time he had b/c his was in class 4 there's 5 they use I think he told me. So far since he's found out it's been over 2 years now and he's still looking good like he'll be fine for 5 more years. So high spirits and positive energy can make all the difference in his battle and recovery. So keep being positive and hang in there!! Hope works miracles! He needs yours more than his, b/c if surrounding people aren't it's that much harder for him. I know how you feel, just keep doing what your doing. Good luck and my prayers are with your dad.

by hutch2426

17 years, 1 month ago

I hope all will go well, and I'm sure I can speak for everyone and say, “we will all be praying for you and your family”.

by Mjollnir

17 years, 1 month ago

Sorry to hear that. But if he's still able to go on like he had nothing wrong with him just keep strong and go about your day. Don't let it weigh you down. My prayers are with you.

by doe_ray_egon1

17 years ago

yea bro, chin up. everyday is a new chance. ^^

by EctoGT

17 years ago

Im sorry. I dont know what I'd do. Just be strong for him. I wish the best for him

by pantshater24

17 years ago

i'm sorry to “take over” this topic, but i figured i would say it here rather than open a new topic.

on monday i was out with my mom, sister, and sister's best friend. we just got done eating at red lobster and were going into Lowe's to pick up some things. My mom began complaining of having a bad headache. she sat down for a few minutes then went to the bathroom. We began calling out to her to no response. i went into the bathroom to find her passed out on the side of the stall. i got into the stall to see my mom begin wetting herself and drooling. We called 911 and by the time they got there she was fine though a bit yellow and had high blood pressure.

I drove her home and helped her into bed so she could rest. I soon stepped out of her room to grab her a drink when i heard my sister tell me she's not breathing and again called 911. What happened was she had a stroke and a aneurysm that hemorrhaged into her brain and left her brain dead. she is currently in a vegetative state in the hospital while i work through getting guardianship over her estates.

This now also means that once she finally does pass on it will only be my sister and myself as we do not have any more living relatives.

by Kingpin

17 years ago

Pantshater… I'm sorry to hear about your mother… I hope that when she passes it is as painless as possible, I'm sorry to hear that she's been left braindead by what happened to her.

by sinister1

17 years ago

Again, I am incredibly sorry.

by pantshater24

17 years ago

thanks guys. she actually passed today but they are keeping her body alive for organ donors. it's funny, one day you are enjoying life and the next you're laying in a hospital brain dead.