I am genuinely sorry to hear about your loss, Pantshater. My deepest sympathies to you and your sister.
As for my own situation, I flew home and saw my Dad last week.
And since my last visit, Dad's been falling a lot.
Basically, the cancer has eaten away his muscle mass, so that simple things, such as walking or even sitting up, are becoming more difficult. Dad's been trying to eat, but the cancer eats the food for him, so basically, he's suffering the first effects of starvation.
If they can't get this under control in the next 2-3 weeks, the doctors are going to stop chemo and just let nature run its course.
This morning, fortunately, my best friend paid my Dad a visit. He and my Dad's best friend were loading him into the car, when Dad fell again.
But my friend caught him before he did. Thank everything for miracles.
Dad's been also getting incoherent. He's not getting enough oxygen to his system, so they put him on oxygen as of today.
It's not looking good. Things are going downhill quickly, and I'm going out again in a week. My work has been awesome about this, and very understanding. I've been told to just do what I need to do, and they'll work with me.
I want to hope for him visiting Vegas, or us seeing Indiana Jones or doing a family train trip in Colorado. Now, I don't know how realistic those goals are anymore. It's been a steep decline, and every day is getting worse instead of better. It's a miserable feeling to just sit and be utterly helpless no matter where I am, no matter what I do.