*My Dad Just Passed Away Yesterday...

by Ectofiend

17 years ago

My Dad just passed away yesterday at about 4pm…He was a measly 58 years old…

*Speculation is that is heart gave out…Apparently he passed away in his sleep according to the medics…He had had a 5-Way bypass 2 weeks prior, and the doctors said he was doing great, however his appearance in his final days spoke a completely different tome…He was unfortunately a severe diabetic as well, which means he was having a problem healing correctly from the surgery, and his liver was malfunctioning…

*And my brother is the one that found him like that, so he devistated on more than just one level …

*Me - I'm just plain indescribable - I've gone through the extreme crying, yelling, bashing inanimate objects, the stomach aches, the “flash-backs” to ye' olden days, being inebriated, and just down-right confusion …

*And to add insult to injury my mother, to whom I currently live with, and was here mostly to make sure she was taken care of, and to be close to her, moved in with her DOUCHEBAG “boyfriend” almost immediately after my Dad got out of surgery originally, and has pretty much made herself at home there…

*And she wasn't just lying to me about it, but to everyone else as well…Which leaves me in a tough spot, as the apartment lease is about up, she's not sure if they'll let her out of it, and being that my brother now lives in an empty house, I'm not about to let him go it alone…And I'm not living alone again…I was already going bezerk with my Mom being gone so much…Now it's either move into the house to help with it's upkeep, and to keep my brother in check, or stay here by myself, in an apartment that has long-since outlived it's usefullness…

*So my life has flipped itself over and self-defecated…

*Honestly, and this goes without saying - I don't know what the future holds at this point…All I know is that life's not going to be the same without my father there…

*At least he's no longer suffering…

*Needless to say it'll most likely be awhile before I'm back on here in full capacity…I've got ALOT of “life-straightening” ahead…

*All I ask of you guys is to wish me and my family luck in picking up the pieces…


by fome

17 years ago

sorry to learn this Lanny

by PeterVenkmen

17 years ago

OMG! I'm so sorry. Seems to be a lot of things happening to the community this past while.

by mdp872105

17 years ago

I'm very to sorry to hear about your loss I shall pray for you. Just remember God will never put on you more than you can bear just take your life one step at a time. I know your in pain now about your loss but remember time heals all wounds thou it may leave a scar but even it will fade. Be strong for your dad think about what he would want you to do now.

And May God bless you.


17 years ago

I'm really sorry to hear about your loss. My prayers go out to you and your family.

by ghstbstrlmliii1

17 years ago

My condolences as well. Your family will be in my prayers.
You'll be missed around here, and I know we'll all look forward to your return. Best of luck.

by ghostbusters2131

17 years ago

I´m so sorry my friend… I know the sadness you´re living through right now… but think about it like this: He´s in a better place than anyone of us are.

I just got the new my grandpa (my father´s father) is in the hospital, he got water in the lungs… I lost my grandma (my mom´s mother) 4 months ago… it´s such a pain inside, an urge need of that person… but they now are fine… better than ever.

We´re with you dude.

by muthapussbucket1

17 years ago

For whatever random words from a random stranger on a webforum are worth regarding a death of a parent….

by missygirl8520001

17 years ago

I'm so sorry to hear this. I'm keeping you and your family in my prayers.

by Egons_girlfriend24

17 years ago

It's very sad to lose a parent. I know how you feel. It's very difficult and heartbreaking. I know it was for me. I hope you are doing alright.
