by ghostbusterraystantz

16 years, 8 months ago

Hey Everyone, my Ecto 1 needs some body work, a new paint job, and some important electric equipment. As I work part time, go to school full time and low on time and money to do it myself, Im asking for your guys' help. This is going to cost about $2500. If I can get 2500 people to chip in $1 (that's all), just $1, more if you'd like, before the end of september, my car will be done in time for Halloween and I can cross “life goal #3” off my list. I have a job, but have bills and school to pay for, so im basically living paycheck to paycheck. You have no idea how much i'd appreciate it. Please help me out and I'll add your name to my list of people who helped make my car possible. If you're willing to donate my email address is Then Ill send you my address to send the money. Thanks so much.

by jesusfreak1

16 years, 8 months ago

I'm getting tired of moving/deleting all of your posts here and on Gbfans. Please do not spam the boards, it makes me grumpy.

by ghostbusterraystantz

16 years, 8 months ago

It's not spam, i just figured if i put the post in certain boards that get the most views people would see it. I apologize.

by doctorvenkman1

16 years, 8 months ago

I got a better idea. Save the money yourself. Cut back on something you don't need and save yourself the money. You have about 120 days, if it MUST be done by this Halloween. Since its a “life goal”, you have plenty of time. If you even were just to wait til next year, you would only need to save like $6 a day.

Sorry, but I get really annoyed when people ask for money for a project that they've undertaken by themself. Its like those people who travel cross country, and then sit on street corners playing music with signs saying “Traveling, please help”. If you can't afford it, then don't do it. Its not a necessity. There are much better causes for people to donate their money to than your movie replica car.

by Kingpin

16 years, 8 months ago

Plus there have been requests for money in the past that have been incredibly questionable… I'm not saying you're here to rip people off… but at the same time, aside from the slight satisfaction of knowing a donatee had helped you to finish your Ecto… what else would be their motivation to give you money?

Some people might expect some sort of return even for such a small investment… but as Dan (Dr. Venkman) said, this is a personal undertaking that you didn't have to go through with… so to some it might seem rediculous to ask for money if you can't afford the large project you decided to create.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 8 months ago

I´ll send you a few bucks via paypal if you pick me up with the car finished and give me the ride of my life :p

BTW, I´m from Mexico :-)

by ajquick1

16 years, 8 months ago

I´ll send you a few bucks via paypal if you pick me up with the car finished and give me the ride of my life :p

BTW, I´m from Mexico :-)

Keep in mind his Ecto is a Ford Focus.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 8 months ago

AJ Quick
I´ll send you a few bucks via paypal if you pick me up with the car finished and give me the ride of my life :p

BTW, I´m from Mexico :-)

Keep in mind his Ecto is a Ford Focus.
So, forget it…
Thanks AJ